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Do you have Harry's title?
Harry Lewellyn
Director USA Operations, Staun USA Inc
(949) 645-7733
fax (949) 645-7738
P. O. Box 12137
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Do you have Harry's title?
In defence of Staun and some of its products.I had been thinking about getting a set of tire deflators from them, but I guess that's not gonna happen.
The words "damage control" mean nothing to this guy.
These people are cocky and arrogant. When you are in business like this, sometimes you should suck it up and make the best out of a bad situation, no matter how you personally feel about it.
The damage that this response from him just done to my perception of his company is bad enough to keep me from buying anything from them, no matter how good it may be. Joe was a little emotional and upset when he fired off the email to them. He was flustrated and needed to vent. He did not need to be belittled by these guys. They handled it poorly and cannot seem to keep their personal feelings and comments out of they way while they try and salvage a damaged reputation.
Harry and Lee:
I think the way you all handled Joe Trerotola's complaint was very unprofessional and rather arrogant. I have been offroading for years. I have owned 4 Jeeps and 2 4WD trucks. All have been heavily modified. I frequent Rausch Creek and Paragon and my current rig (YJ) could use a set of beadlocks, but I still drive it to the parks. The Inner Beadlocks have piqued my interest for some time now, but be sure that you will never get one red cent from me.
You guys ought to know better than to treat Jeepers this way. We are a tight group.
Oh, and for the record:
Apparently Joe isn't an isolated incident. A search at Pirate 4x4 found a few discussions about how the difficulty of installation and also a couple mentioned of brush-off's from customer service.
Too bad. You guys make great tire deflators. Mine are going on eBay though.
Harry Gardner
...Too bad. You guys make great tire deflators. Mine are going on eBay though...
I'll Give you a dollar for em so I can fashion them into a middle finger![]()
From: rjackgarrett
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 8:59 AM
To: ''; ''
Subject: Recent response to customer inquiry
Hello Gentlemen,
I was very disheartened to read the response of your CFO to Josephs email regarding installation of the new bead-lock product on the market now. All too often companies focus on front end marketing at the expense of millions, and neglect to put equal emphasis on customer service and support. Therein, the new clients, who said entity has paid dearly to cultivate, are lost to poor people skills, dissatisfaction, and frustration. I am quite certain, the “idiot†email was accidental. It does, however, go to the heart of how your C Level executives (and one can make the assumption the rest of your organization as it all starts at the top) view your customers. I feel my loyalty and hard earned money are more valuable than this, and therein I cannot support your company by purchasing any further Staun products. In addition, please send me the address for return of my bead-locks and deflators.
I am a regional vice president for one of the largest advertising and media firms in the world. I frequently help companies with damage control, public perception issues, and branding. Gentlemen, you offer a wonderful line of products: innovative, practical, and well built. However, I am constantly forced to watch as many cutting edge organizations, like your own, crumble under the weight of the same arrogance and disdain for its customer-base, which was so perfectly exemplified in the above mentioned email. I assure you that your market, while large, is also finite.