starter question


New member
looking at getting a 1995 yj with a four banger real cheap. one of the resons that they are selling it cheap was that it is a pain to get started, so i went to check it out and figure out why. when you turn the key most of the time it will just (trying to describe the sound) go vvvvvmmmmmm. it just wont turn over at all, just make that humming sound. try the key a few times and it will eventually catch and start right up. this leads me to believe that the starter is going out.

if it is the starter, i never checked on a jeep, but its mounted to the transmission right? if so is dropping the transmission necessary to change this?

if anybody has any other ideas of what it may be let me know.

thanks in advance

sounds like the bendix isn't engaging (in other words you need a starter). Don't know about the 4 cyl but on the 6 there are two bolts holding it to the bellhousing. you don't have to drop the transmission. Replacing a starter is about a 15 min job. Unbolt the old one, bolt the new one up, and connect the one wire (held on by a third bolt/nut)
just thought of one more thing....when you turn the key, and the starter doesnt engage, just the whining it will clunk when you let off the key.
It is so easy to change that starter. You do not need to drop the transmission. I just replaced my gals starter on her 4 cyl yj. Go for it.