Speciality Coffee


New member
Well i know that most of you depend on a good cup of coffee in the morning to get u going. My family happens to be selling speciality coffee from Nicaragua in the states so if you are into coffee you might wanna give our coffee a chance. check us out at www.cafedeapante.com. thanks.

I'll check it out. I love coffee and drink a ton of it. I have buying mostly starbucks columbia but I do stray...

TwistedCopper said:
rut roh..., our coffee grinder is busted... whole bean only :(

Got a WallyWorld nearby? You can pick up a new one for around $10. I love fresh ground coffee.....mebbe I'll give it a once-over.
The problem with WalMart is I hate going there. I think they sell 'em at BJ's.

The website looked pretty good!
sounds great, but will have to hold off on ordering, am a poor college student :( Did bookmark for later try.
One of the local coffee shops here is selling a coffee for something like $20/cup. A bag of beans is $500. These coffee beans have been pooped out by some kind of wild cat from wherever these beans come from. It's supposed to have a unique taste. I don't care if I had $20 million dollars, I wouldn't pay that much for a cup of coffee.
Craig said:
One of the local coffee shops here is selling a coffee for something like $20/cup. A bag of beans is $500. These coffee beans have been pooped out by some kind of wild cat from wherever these beans come from. It's supposed to have a unique taste. I don't care if I had $20 million dollars, I wouldn't pay that much for a cup of coffee.

Kopi Luwak is very expensive, and is made from coffee beans passed through the digestive system of an Indonesian animal, but it's more like a cat than a monkey. According to a feature article by the Manila Coffee House, which sells the stuff, the people who harvest the digested beans don't really have to pick through cat litter to get it. The animal processes the beans and excretes them whole, unscratched, and without dung.

The animal is a palm civet, a dark brown tree-dwelling cat-like creature found throughout Southeast Asia. The scientific name is paradoxurus hermaphroditus.

According to the Manila Coffee House, the palm civet just happens to like to ingest the ripest and reddest coffee beans, which also happen to be the ones best for brewing. The cat eats the outer covering of the beans in the same way that is accomplished by de-pulping machines. Something happens to the beans in the journey through the cat's intestines that gives it a flavor that is celebrated by coffee drinkers.

At this point, most of the beans are purchased by Japanese buyers.

We do alot of work in Nica and sometimes the guys bring back coffee. Damn good. Right now we are working through a Jamacian bag.
Craig said:
.... These coffee beans have been pooped out by some kind of wild cat from wherever these beans come from. It's supposed to have a unique taste.

[90Xjay-not going there]:D

Every time I think I've heard it all........people buying coffe beans harvested from the exit hole of some cat-like creature....and paying big bucks for the stuff!
We had a bag of coffee beans that was supposedly passed through a jaguar (the animal not the car). I made then use the small coffee maker and I didnt go near it. No thank you.

Sounds like some poop to me! hehehehehe I aint drinking or eating any thing that anything done eat before me! Dang I must be way behind the rest of the world to have not considered drinking coffee from the waste of a wild critter!
Tug-n-pull said:
Sounds like some poop to me! hehehehehe I aint drinking or eating any thing that anything done eat before me! Dang I must be way behind the rest of the world to have not considered drinking coffee from the waste of a wild critter!

Your way behind the times. Just this morning I had a bagel, egg, and cheese, with some bacon that the neighbors dog passed. yummy :roll:
Allright.. this thread is headed south...:purple: :purple: :purple: :purple:

[90Xjay reaches for a tasty dung beetle]