Speaking of bad kids......


New member
I had an attempted break in tonight. Three young males, under 13 I'd say. They had the balls to stand out in the street and beat thier way around the jeep and twang my CB antenna so loud I heard it in the house. :shock: They were in the Jeep but didn't take anything. My family and I busted out on them as they were in the act and they ran.

I decided not to call the cops because they ran away and didn't steal anything. Those little B*st*** (insert censored beep here) had the nerve to skirt our property all night and come in closer to try to get near it again. I moved it to a different parking spot in the driveway and left it while watching them the next hour. Come 11 pm they were still outside running through our and everyone elses yards and slinking around the vehicles.

I called the cops then. It's insane that any parent would let three children be out at pitch dark 11 pm at night. Things have gone so far downhill these days. I cannot believe now you have to worry about not only adults but trouble making children too.

I tell you I've never been as possesive over any vehicle in my whole life. I was going to beat those brats to an inch of thier life if I could get one in front of me. At one point they were near but I saw thier backs more than thier faces. I would have been put in jail too.

I just stepped out again after midnight and they are still roaming the streets. The cops did a walkthrough a couple of yards and drove the hood but I guess they (the kids) don't care. Geez, felt like I was trying out for an episode of Fox COPS or something.


Jeez whats with people crawling all over your house and jeep lately? Psh..... Throw eggs at them......

Sorry to hear your having so much trouble lately.

Sully said:
..... Throw eggs at them.....

Nah, any old rusty Jeep parts you have lying around would be more effective.

-Nick :!:
lol Sully I said the EXACT same thing. This wasn't even at my house, but a family member. I was like OMG someone has it out for me man.


Thanks Nick. I'm cool with tonight, glad they didn't get anything and I can live with the irritation. I just had to mention it though in light of all the recent conversations about our nations youth!

just put a self destruct alarm on the jeep... when someone comes within 500 yards of it... it blows up
One word: Claymore!


a claymore? lol whats wrong with the adults of today

get a paintball gun so it makes it easy for the cops to id them (hurts like heck too)
Well i can tell you how bad kids exactly are. I am a police officer, and on Thursday night i arrested a 10, 11, and 13 year old for burglary 1st, 2nd, 4th degree, and theft under $500. two of the kids parents had no idea there kids were even in the area, and one kids parent blamed the other children influeincing her child. These little rug rats tried to break into a womans brand new house to steal her lap top computer, and when many attempts, and lots of damage failed, the broke into her shed and stole her lawn mower. to add insult to injkury, they spray painted it powder blue. Now If they would allow us to discipline children when parents don't, i think things would be different for juvenile delinqunets. Does anyone else remember the days of getting "corrected" for being bad? I think those days are long gone. Know the funniest thing was? I was blamed for not checking on their kids to see where the kids were supposed to be, and keep in mind that this was at 2:00pm. Sorry, blowing off a hard 12 hours of work steam. Later,
I hear ya, drop.....long gone are the days when even parents could use a bit of physical correction. My folks spanked me (not often, because I was a little angel--LOL) when I needed it, and I don't blame them for doing so. My teachers whacked me with a paddle when I needed it and I don't blame them for doing so. Never been in jail, never been in big trouble as an adult.

makes you wish you were 17 again. Then you could just destroy one of those little pricks with a louisville slugger.