sound coming from front end in 4X4

JJs 88 Wrangler

New member
What would make a clicking sound in the front end while turning in four wheel drive? I know you are not supposed to make a turn in four wheel drive on dry pavement which I do not do.The four wheel drive works fine too.


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Does it do it all the time, under load, coasting, turning? It is most likely the u-joint in one or the other axle shaft. You should check because if one does give out it usually does damage to the knuckle as well. Just lift one side at a time in 4h or low so the front is engaged and with the wheel off the ground look for play int the joint where the trunnions go into the caps, if any pull axle and replace. Or it could be in the diff, you would need to pull the cover and inspect it if that's the case, could be a spider gear or pinion thats missing some teeth .
Good luck
I just fixed a clicking noise I would get a good look at all u joints look for any rust start at t case mine has two u joints there and they looked fine with no slack but when I replaced they were bad so I did drive lines and knuckle joints and only one tested bad but all were. ck the pads on your shift fork also that's what I think mine was after I rebuilt my t case

Thank You for all of the suggestions. I will let you all know what I find. BTW. Josaff: I only hear the sound when in four wheel dive under a load when turning.

Thank You Guys!!!
