Socal Fires


New member
For any1 who doesnt know there are a whole bunch of fires in southern california. There is one just over the ridge from my house and the smoke is so bad that we had to go out and get a purifier.

Good luck bro, Hope your stuff doesn't catch on fire or nothing!
What is the name of the oil ladden brush that grows out there that burns so well? I hate to hear it but it seems to be an anual event for So Cal. When living in Alaska I lived very near Earth Quake Park. Folks would loose their homes from a natural disaster that was know to come often in the same area. Well one ol man said to me once setting on the bluff watching the folks pick up the pieces and set them all back up again. "Don't they know they are building on ground God never intened for a place to live" Wise ol man! Good Luck with the winds. tug
no liftgate and wrong color doors for winter setup

yeah,fires are spreading like bunny rabits!Hope this fire stops dead in it's tracks.

I saw it on the news. I hope nobody here has to be involved. Go Firemen!
Man, terrible stuff. People are being trapped in their cars trying to get out. The news was showing a screaming his lungs out next to the car where his kids where trapped and killed by the fire. Sorry to hear, and stay safe.-Al