So What is Your Deal!


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE> Rob, if im ever in PA, maybe u should introduce me to ur daughter, lol


i've seen her in person. for just 14 years old, she's a cutie. and built like a brick sh*thouse. too bad she's jailbait.[addsig]

Hello all! Happy Holidays To All!! I go buy Poooorboy simply, to many hobbies.....
Merry christmas!! Steve[addsig]


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>>> Rob, if im ever in PA, maybe u should introduce me to ur daughter, lol


i've seen her in person. for just 14 years old, she's a cutie. and built like a brick shithouse. too bad she's jailbait.</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

A cutie that is built like a brick sh*thouse??

that is a disgusting image

its an expression butthead
... she's bangin' (how's that for a better adjective?)[addsig]


Watch the language guys. Any more and they will be deleted!!!!!!!![addsig]


i call dibs!! being 16 i think im the closest age wise to her

Many moons ago when going thru basic training, the drill sgt's favorite line was "I'm gunna send you back to the block". I would always get a smile on my face every time I heard it. The drill noticed me grinning one time too many and asked me what was so funny. So I told him I was from Baltimore,MD and THE BLOCK is the red-light district downtown and most of these guys would love to be "sent back to the block", I sure was ready to go. From then on it just gets better. I added the ® a few years back, seems to be a popular handle on BBs and chat-rooms.

(I left out all the colorful language that the military uses just for Raven)


Guess no better thread to "first jump" in.

Been "lurking",,,

I prefer "reconnoitering" for a couple of months.

You have no idea what a blessing your thoughts

have been in buying my new rig.

You are an amazing collection of charactors.

Experienced, knowledgable, kind, sharing,

and open to new submissions.

Me, nothing special, just USMPK9.

My first 'jeep' was a standard issue M38A1/2,

Uncle Sam gave me my license 18 years ago,

before Humvees and Kevlar. This is my first

4x4 in 12 years. I may suffer from "forgetting

more than I ever knew, So your patience and

help will be very valuable in the coming months.

I still work with K9s, and since we have frequent

flood/hurricane events, (Houston, shouldn't build the

4th largest city on an ancient salt lake bed), people

have shelters and places to go,, but they can not take

their pets. Our heros, like PASsmokeeater, lend a hand

when they can, but they must focus on us 2 leggers in

such a time. My goal, build a rig that can't be stopped

when one of my "kids"is trapped, alone, cold, scared,

hungry and thirsty.



I´ve got two dogs one for hunting (the nose) and one for watching the yard (the teeth). I trained both from puppies to growl and sometimes bite any male past puberty. And rarley, let one of my girls out, without demanding they take the dog for a walk. They havn´t caught on yet, who says girls are smarter than boys. The hunter I´ve trained pretty good, the shepard was just born with it, didn´t need much training at all. Love dogs, wanted to get into dog handling school when I was in the military, never could get a billet.

PA needs a pooch for his darling.

Welcome K9, and Happy holidays[addsig]

All right, first thing's first. You all want to get in line, but you have yat to answer the most important question ? Who has the most $$$$$, my Jeep could use some work. lol. Seriously, I would have no problem with my daughter dating any of you, but you ALL have to wait untill I'm ready to give up my little girl, and that might be awhile lol


Well, with that said.... back to the hills. lol Well PASmokeater, hope you can at least bring a pic for the Jeepborie. GR93[addsig]

I'll do you all one better...and bring her with. You really think I'd leave a 14 year old home alone for a week ? ( In reality, she wouldn't miss it, loves the Jeepin' thing and the great outdoors) Rob [addsig]


Good form Rob! It would be an honor to meet not only yourself, but the girl who has this entire community in an up roar! lol Can't wait!


Vav's is short for VavRosky which is my last name. I have an older brother that also goes by Vavs so many people call me little vavs, even though I'm like 6ft 1 or so. But I figured since he will never come on this site I could just use Vavs. Gee, that doesn't seem as "deep" as some of the other reason listed on this board.


Welcome to the community K9! I'm relatively new to the group too and it has been fun!! Enjoy the money pit!