
The Hellbilly

New member
24 Hours of snow in the Northeast. Anyone else having any weather events headed there way?


Jeep® O|||||||O

yeah... hot and humid weather lol makes me with my A/C worked
hot and sunny too. 79 today with humidity that feels like its in the 90s. and stupid mosquitos too

Saturday we had a few inches of its in the mid 60's. You know what they say in ohio if you don't like the weather give it 5min.
Saturday we had a few inches of its in the mid 60's. You know what they say in ohio if you don't like the weather give it 5min.

That can be said about most places in the country. Here it was almost 50 degrees during the day, and it was snowing about an hour ago

almost 90 here. at least it's the first Friday in almost a month where it didn't rain! I can golf without worrying about wet conditions tomorrow!!
it was in the mid 80s today. i finally got around to taking the doors off and if i wasn;t worried about spring break having bad weather, i would pull the top too.

spring break sucks here though. every year the weather is beautiful for february and the beginning of march. then the week we have spring break it rains and is in the 40s and the monday after spring break, its back to the 80s.