

New member

well, got about 3 in of snow here on the eastern sho of MD, and its still going strong so i thought i'd check with some of you guys up north and see what you do for added traction in the snow, short of using chains, dont get enough of it around here to go that far, but if you have any suggestions about tire pressure and 4wd Hi versus 4 Lo drop a message



Mountians of East Tennessee we got 3" and going strong! Tug[addsig]

I am syracuse, NY we are in the lead now for the most snow fall in NY. 200"a year no problem. 4wd low is only needed when your stuck in a snow bank. All you need to get around in the snow is good tread on your tires. I have driven through the winters in my previous wranglers and rarely use 4 wheel drive. My grand cherokee has full time and its like the snow isnt even there. Lets be real its more fun to drive when you dont have good traction


ive never seen snow.
i guess its because im a Floridian.

mud is fine with me

extremeYJ... you dont know what you are missing. I think it should be part of every young drivers right of passage to go out to an empty parking lot after a fresh falling of snow and do donuts til you puke.

Treking through 2 feet of snow in the jeep is a ton of fun everyone should experience.[addsig]

On second thought I need to add a disclaimer. DONT DO DONUTS IN YOUR JEEP. I made that mistake when I first got my wrangler and nearly flipped it. Grab you buddies Neon with the bald tires and then go have fun.[addsig]


I was all set for a canceled work snow day, but alas, the dc area only got an inch or two.

i have almost flipped my jeep doing a donut when we where offroading, its a good thing my tires have no grip.

maybe ill go up north next winter [addsig]

We don't have any in Albuquerque.
I WANT SNOW NOW!!!!!!!!!

As far as driving in snow, it's kind of a preference. I would drop about 5 to 10 pounds, depending on tire size.[addsig]


Snow sounds like a lot'a FUN!!!! I don't see much in south Texas. 28 deg.& dry ground.[addsig]

Well there is a down side to snow in NY. They salt the roads which ends up rusting out your jeep. I have seen many jeeps taken down by the almight salt.

bigTlilODD...why would you decrease the pressure in your tires?? [addsig]

I can atest to doughnuts in the jeep, did my fair share and then some last night, just put it in 2 wheel and stepped on the gas, there was no traction what-so-ever, guess its cause of all the power i far as driving on the road if i didnt have it in atleast 4 wheel hi i'd do nothing but doughnuts without even trying, unless of course i was happy not to accelerate at all and just roll along at my 5mph idle speed...i did drop my tire pressure about 10 lbs in the back and 5 up front, it seemed to help out, but that also may have been because they got some salt on the roads...damn salt trucks ruin our fun and rust our jeep, just gave my baby a bath too![addsig]


Roads clear alraedy
Can't play no more
kids out of school
Kids driving me crazy
I am ready for summer now

Snow is great until christmas... then it can go... I have a plow on the jeep, its good for money.... as far as traction.... well, I have a 300 pound rear bumper, that helps alot... when I have the plow on.. all the weigh pivots off my rear, you wanna see donuts????? I was thinking about studding another set of tires for some added plow traction... then i figured its not quite needed... its more money and less fun[addsig]

we're pretty well stacked w/ snow here in MA, and 4wd does just fine when it gets nasty, although i find that if its slick, and im not in 4, i fishtail like a mother. guess its cause the jeep is so light...



i dont have to wait for summer, in south florida it's year round
but it would be nice to play in snow every once and awhile

Cut the wheel and pull the e-brake. In an empty parking lot you spin for miles. I actually perfected it in my very first ride 87 Dodge Omni.[addsig]


Snow! I have never lived where there was not snow in the winter! Grew up north of Edmonton Alberta. Have been here in North Dakota for the past 23 years. The best way to do donuts with a FWD car is in reverse! Talk about spin! For traction I have my Craftsman tool chest in the back of the Cherokee and new tires so no problem at all most of the time even in 2wd - of course in 4wd the traction is great! Salt is not a problem here but it was up in Alberta and it really rusts vehicles quickly. Best bet is to take it to a car wash where they have a bottom wash also. Or just bit the bullet and get your raincoat on and get down on the floor and wash it off with the hand car wash.