Tax man cometh...lift qustions

Yo!! THAT'S some SNOW!!!! Looks very, very cold, too! I'm feeling much warmer now at 10 degrees with but a dusting. Stay warm, you're in all our thoughts!

Re: RE: another fuel tank question

Thanks guys heres some more. I just walked out to the street and then the main road. My street has not been plowed at all, It was quite a hike to the main road with snow past my knees. I dont know how long till they will get to us but im itching to go for a ride. :cry:

The last one is good!!!!!!!! The front door is noyt an option, even my back screened in porch is bombed

Re: RE: the eagles are going to jacksonville

We skied all day Saturday and Saturday night. Closed the mountain at 9:30PM. Slept in our Ski Patrol shack at the top of the mountain Saturday night during the storm ("blizzard"), then at 7:00 AM, the 5 of us ski down first tracks in 25+ inches of snow, -6 degrees.

Man, it don't get any better!! (except we didn't carry enough beer up).
Bout a foot, maybe a little less here in good ol' Michigan, the wind made some crazy drifts though... We're getting a gentle snowfall now, supposed to snow most of the day today apparantly..

I've got the day off, BRING IT! :twisted:

Re: RE: Long Nite- Required Recovery

Finally stopped snowing here 2+ feet. I have been waiting for this
SNow - pics posted

Yep. That's commonly known. It seems to be a lot more noticeable on the Jeeps than any other vehicle I've ever had. The 3 Chevrolets didn't know the difference.
My new Ford knows the difference. The '05 Powerstroke doesn't like to be cranked at 17 degrees without prior use of the block heater.
Ok so called the town they said they wouldnt get to our road today. sooooo theres a guy up the street with a plow so he plows it..................we thought, till we got to this

yeah about 20 feet to the main road and freedom!!!!!!!!
So I went to my naighbor and asked if the guy had mental issues? well his transmission went and he made it back to his house and retired the truck.Theres a white house straight ahead in the pic. thats the main road.

ok so heres my house still and if you look real close you can see me up to my waist in snow.

purpley - man that is a lot of snow. I have lived on the cape for my whole life up til this year when i moved to rochester ny to go to school. I would have killed to have that much school when i was a little kid. Never thought i would live to see the day when you guys get more snow back home than up here
RE: Re: RE: Long Nite- Required Recovery

PurpleYJgirl, I am sooooo jealous!!!! I wish we would get snow like that here...i don't even think it's going to snow here this year.

I've got a friend leaving here to go back to school at Wheaton (in Mass.) tomorrow (tues) and he sure wished he could bring his truck!!!
purpleyjgirl said:
Ok so called the town they said they wouldnt get to our road today. sooooo theres a guy up the street with a plow so he plows it..................we thought, till we got to this

yeah about 20 feet to the main road and freedom!!!!!!!!
So I went to my naighbor and asked if the guy had mental issues? well his transmission went and he made it back to his house and retired the truck.Theres a white house straight ahead in the pic. thats the main road.

ok so heres my house still and if you look real close you can see me up to my waist in snow.

Why didnt you grab a shovel and help finish the road? A little elbow grease and your good to go :lol:
Purpley, I am so jealous! Must be cold and annoying not being able to leave. I can just imagine trying to negotiate the snow. Wow, we never get anything like that around here.
RE: its caled hydrolocked

hmmmm. Snow. Not getting that much up here... Live up in Quebec Canada... Usually get a LOT of snow. Only have about 4 inches in total now. We keep having these weird temperature changes. A couple days ago it was -5 C... the average so far is now -26 C......COLD! BRRRRR. Big change since last year it snowed everyday... But living in Canada... we are the plowing capital of the world 8) (ermm...not bragging or anything...). I do have one question (might be kinda weird), does NYC really use garbage trucks to plow the roads? What brave people. :shock:
