
New member
It's on it's way tomorrow morning and I can't wait...

Gadget - I see your weather link is back. Always makes me a few degrees warmer to see what kind of frozen hell you are experiencing up there. We're expecting 10-17 inches this weekend here. I guess that's a "dusting" up there :lol:

yeah we are getting the same storm and I can't wait!
Hi-Ya, Harry,

I temporarily put the time-temp thingy into my sig by way of replying to Mr. “Eighty-Degree” Sully. :twisted:

{{gumble, grumble}} :wink:

We don’t sneeze at 17-inches of snow, but that amount of snow is no big deal here. It is a given that we are going to get a lot of snow each winter. So, the state, upstate counties, towns and villages have enough of those Tyrannosaurus Rex road plows to quickly and efficiently deal with that amount of snow and a lot more.

Despite all of my complaining about our snow, we have so far had a light snow year. I am holding my breath, though. Our worst snowstorms often occur during late January and through the month of February.

Whatever happens, I am pleased to report that my new snowblower is a joy to use.

Okay…it is better than a shovel, but not better than Sully's eighty-degree weather.

Also happy to report that the Bubbacon started easily this afternoon (0-degrees) after not being run for a week or so.

All of the toys work. Life is good. :D

Get outside tomorrow with the kids and enjoy your snow.

From time to time, I wish that we still had a few kids around. I enjoyed making a backyard skating rink and teaching the fine art of making snow angels.

I look stupid when I go into the backyard make snow angels all by myself. :lol:



They claim the same storm is going to hit us and build over Lake Michigan, all the weather stations were going totally bananas about the winter storm emergencies declared... Right now, it looks like a mere inch or two outside, weather is predicting 2-4 more over the course of the day... But we shall see... It's 12 now, with a high of 14, and I will be in the meat room cutting all day long, so it really doesn't concern me all that much.
Can't find the good in it

Inspector-Gadget said:
.............All of the toys work. Life is good. :D .............


Yes, it is!!!!

RE: Can

I saw on the news they got an inch of snow somewhere in NC and it basically shut the whole place down. :lol:

IM SO PI$$ED!!!! MY Jeep is not in working order :cry: i miss the first real play time because my jeep is on jackstands waiting for my steering linkage :x
Hooters and Jeeps!!!!

Indeed it is, Mud! :D

You got a Jeep; shorts and wife-beater shirt weather, and the little guy/girl peering out at us from the right of the spare tire.

Man! I need to get a new puppy!!! :shock:



It feels like about 60 degrees now in AL, but a cold front is coming this afternoon that will take us down to the 20's. Snow not likely.
Is is just me or has anybody noticed that the colder it is, the better the Jeep runs? I've had 3 Jeeps and all of them liked the cold.
RE: another fuel tank question

TwistedCopper said:
I saw on the news they got an inch of snow somewhere in NC and it basically shut the whole place down. :lol:

Yeah, TC, that was in Raleigh. Those flatlanders just don't know how to handle the snow. Declared a state of emergency for 1"?!?!?!!! Wouldn't even slow us down here in the mountains.

And, yeah, Gadget, that's a picture from my past. I'm wearing wife-beater long johns at the moment, waiting for the storm. There's actually two little faces peeping out (hard to make out the black one).....those are "the boys" getting ready for a trip to the "dog beach" in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. That was taken the weekend I moved up to NC, August, 2003. (Note the bandaged thumb - cut myself on a piece of broken glass while cleaning my former rental home - still got a scar). But, life IS good!
Re: RE: Re: RE: SNOW!

Whoops, I was wrong...

Upon closer inspection, IE stepping off my porch this morning into a snowbank up to my mid-calf, I realized that there was more snow than I had previously scoffed at... The wind kept the drifts off the cars, that was the judgement point upon which I made that cynical observation.

I would say we are well over 6 inches here, but it is hard to tell, because the wind is blowing and gusting up to 33 MPH... I got off work early (light preplist), and had a nice fun drive home... There's something about flooring it and spinning all 4 tires that makes me smile :)

I like storms like this, because the people that are usually out clogging the roads because they don't know how to drive in it stay at home, so the only ones out of the road are those who understand how to handle a vehicle in the Michigan winter...

A little rambling perhaps, but that's my thing.

And redrooster, I have noticed that too... With any Chrysler product really... I think it has to do with them not liking humidity... In the hot and muggy, my Jeep can be a dog sometimes, my mom's van wouldn't even start... When it gets nice and cold, the relative humidity is gone. So you have nice dry air to mix with fuel and make engine happy...

Just my theory... Jeepy is like me, definately likes the cold more than the warm.

RE: Car is clunking in lots of snow tonight

What a weather mess across the US. We have about two inches in lower maryland and right now it has changed to sleet/rain. No one knows what or how much is exactly coming.

I do know I didn't get moved today which doesn't make me a happy lady but what can a girl do? I did have several friends show up and get a 1/3 of my stuff over to storage so I should be glad we got a start. I'm hoping for clearer weather next week. We sure are paying for the couple of warm weeks we had in December.

Please stay safe and take care everyone!
RE: XJ springs 3" or 4.5" lift

redrooster said:
It feels like about 60 degrees now in AL, but a cold front is coming this afternoon that will take us down to the 20's. Snow not likely.
Is is just me or has anybody noticed that the colder it is, the better the Jeep runs? I've had 3 Jeeps and all of them liked the cold.

It is a fact that air is more dense at colder temps, which means more oxygen for the ol' combustion chamber ;)

That's why you'll see some old muscle cars with the ice boxes in the air intake.
We already have 6 inches left from the last storm, now we are getting over a foot tonight, 10-14 tomorrow and 1-3 tomorrow night. I even heard on the radio we could get close to 3 feet!!!!!!!! I could lose my daughter in that. Also blizzard conditions w/ flood warnings and 60-70mph gusts of wind. Power is an issue, got everything I need its now coming down about 2in. an hour already. Im going out to get more wood incase we need it for a few days without heat and power. Good luck to everyone getting hit by this storm. stay home and be safe. :wink:

Yup, my Dad's up in Buzzard's Bay and he said reports were "measureable in feet" :shock:
RE: sent pic

Purple, I was watching the weather channel last night when they were talking about the Cape. Man, would I love to be there. We've had around 5 inches of snow all winter so far, but that 1 1/2 inches of ice at the first of the month wasn't pleasant at all. Hope you all keep warm and safe.....I know you're gonna have fun bustin' drifts, that's my favorite part about wheelin' in the snow. Yeah, we get some decent snow here on the plains, and with it all flat and no trees for miles, we also get some monster drifts. I remember the storm in 1971 that dropped 19 inches with 40mph winds, we had drifts from the peaks of the barns that stretched out several hundred yards. And in 1993, I drove from Wichita to Topeka to take my EMT state boards in a blizzard that dropped 19" on Topeka, and 14 on Wichita. That trip normally takes 2-2 1/2 hours, but that day it took me 8. I was in my old Toy 4wd was great in the snow, too.
I heard now they are receiving wind gusts in excess of 70 mph. That on top of a lot of snow and temps in the low teens. Imagine the wind chill :shock:

That, I do not envy.

oh my feakin god!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could show you these pic's My husbands been out for over an hour he is only half way out of the drive way with the jeep. almost got 3 feet and its still coming. (hes not crazy but I have an elderly grandmother so if we need to get out) If someone wants to post my pics Ill send them to ya. hang in there everyone.