smoke problem


New member
yesterday I was pulling into a parking spot when all of a sudden smoke started to pour out from under my car on either side and into my tub. I got an 83cj7 by the way. I opened up the hood and looked for where the smoke was coming from. It was pouring out of connection between the exhaust and the exhaust manifold. By the way it was white smoke. Im not sure if I just have a cracked manifold or a more serious problem. Im at my ends with this cj even though I love it to death. Seriously considering a TJ if I could save up the money/sell this jeep. any help would be great

probably... wait for it to cool and get under it and check it out, you should be able to see a crack in the exhaust. I have a couple in the YJ, been there for some time now.
Well an exhaust leak is obviously the only reason for smoke to be coming out of that why is it smoking so bad all of a sudden?
I would imagine the exhaust leak was always there and wasn't noticeable until the smoke started coming out white. Last time I saw white smoke coming out of an engine it was because I'd blown a head gasket and the coolant was emptied into the cylinder heads. Check your radiator level and your temp. I'll bet your down fluid and on the verge of overheating. If it is the head gasket you'll know because the smoke will smell like burnt radiator fluid and if you can stand to hold your hand over it you'll notice condensation
similar to that of holding your hand over a boiling tea kettle. That's my guess. If this is what happened then you need to stop driving it. You can do damage to the heads if they are taking in fluid.

or you can just put you jeep on the patch.... they don't like the gum!
I'm pretty sure white smoke means water is being burned off, and gray smoke means alot of oil is being burned. Before I just gave up and pulled my motor, a cloud of smoke (I forget which color) about 10ftx10ftx10ft would spew out the exhaust pipe every time I started it up.