Show Jeep


New member

I have a jeep thats touring multiple shows this summer and i was wondering if anyone knew knew where to find artificial rocks to prop it up on to show off my dope suspension. Pleas help :-D[addsig]


Go post modern and use some really funky blocks and grid iron. tug[addsig]


Well Said Jeepmaster! I did not want to say it but it needed to be said. I hope you have a real jeep to you know like use. tug[addsig]


I'd use some steel car ramps and cover them with chicken wire and plaster of paris, then spray them whatever color you like....................Bullet[addsig]

oh i wasnt suggesting PJ, it kinda has that feel tho, ill give you that far right. i was referring more to its hard to beat the real thing, so go snark some outta nature. i was readin through the specs you've got on that thing and it sounds NICE, do you have any pics of it? post them if you do, i wanna see this beast, or just email them to me @ thanks and hope to see the both of you at the getogether getting muddy! :cool: [addsig]

sniff sniff... I think i smelled that too FarRight.... Yeah... go with the authentic look... Go get a real rock to prop on. They are free... and its not cheating... and you know... there's no better way to show a jeep than to show it with mud on it... I really would hope that you do take that bad boy offroad, considering you DID put the money into it to put lockers in it, which CANNOT be shown off parked next to a honda... sorry... not picking on you, just makin sure you realize what you really got on your hands there... good machine[addsig]


definite PJ. but we better stop picking on him... he may just go and lower the thing! :cool: [addsig]

PJ equals "Prissy Jeep" Ok, the P is actually a different P word. But for the sake of the children, I changed it. It's a Jeep that never goes off road. One that has off road lights, a winch, a lift and a big bumper and no scratches[addsig]


Though, it doesn't have to have winches, bumpers, and the whole nine... and jeep can be a PJ... the list of what PJ stands for can go on for hours: pretty, pansy, preppy, very vulgar word for female genitalia (or a cat, either way), it goes and goes... a PJ is determined not mainly by its equipment, but by its owner. basically... like i've said before... its like a hot chick that becomes a nun...[addsig]

What I don't understand is why someone would put lockers in a Jeep thats just for show. Now I can understand cosmetic stuff on a show vehicle but why internal mechanical parts such as lockers that you can't see and will never use?....makes no sense to me.

edited by: Craig, Mar 07, 2003 - 04:57 PM[addsig]


Right on Craig... I can't comprehend that... he could have given them to us[addsig]

!cough!-trailer queen-!cough!....I wouldn't call it a jeep at all...someone rip the emblems off that TJ's body..what a shame...and waste of money...why didn't he find himself a honda??? I mean there's no need to disgrace a jeep, do it to an already crappy car![addsig]


wow you guys assume well. he's probably gone now that we've treated him like $hit.[addsig]