

New member
:shades: Hi all!

I'm a NEW 1st time owner of a Jeep Wrangler unlimited 2009. Just picked it up last week and loving it so far! Only one problem......when I hit a small bump in the road, my steering wheel starts to shimmy and I feel very out of control. The only way to stop it is to slow down or turn my steering wheel to get it out of the "shimmy mode".

I can see that this seems to be a caracteristic of the Jeep, however from what I've been reading so far, people seem to be talking about tire use or hitting something big. OK, but mine is brand new (20km at delivery), and I haven't even been off road with it yet!!!

I brought it to the dealer this morning and they look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them what the jeep is doing. Anyways, any input would be greatly appreciated!




It's called death wobble and it is definitely the stealership's responsibility to fix. It is common to lifted jeeps with coil spring suspensions, but new stock jeeps not so much.
loose trac bar from the factory ????

take it to the dealership, and if they say nothing is wrong with out looking at the truck, tell them you want a new truck or the phone number to the attorney general... you'll get results that way.
thx guys!

just got back from dealership. seems the trac bar was loose (assembly line).

they tightened it and did another wheel drives like a dream!!


It's impossible for a dealership to have never heard of death wobble.

Oh yeah - welcome to :)