Say a Jeep Prayer for Him.....

RE: Catch you all later on down he trail!

From the Wichita Eagle:

Ryan Ragland, 27, of Wichita, died shortly after 6 a.m. Monday morning when he tried to pass a semitrailer on K-96 near Mount Hope. His vehicle skidded on an icy bridge and was struck by the semi, which then pushed his vehicle into the ditch.

I had to help our local EMS crew scrape him off his dashboard yesterday morning. I quit being a paramedic 5 years ago because of stuff like this, but they still call me for the bad ones (they don't have a medic on the crew since I left, and the nearest one is 20 miles away).

We got freezing rain all night the night before, and he thought he could drive normal speeds in his 4wd Jeep......another mother's son is resting in Heaven. More of the same weather expected today, only worse. Don't expect to have power by evening with the amount of freezing rain they're predicting, then by late tonight/early tomorrow we'll be getting snow on top of it.
I will say a prayer for his family. I am so sorry to hear this. My apologies. They are definately in my thoughts.

I will definatly say a prayer for him and his well as the semi driver and everyone else involved.