sad sad day

i bet he chrome plates his toilet paper, and doesn't realize how to use that either
"to each his own"... I don't like that there is a proverb like that which attempts to justify a wrong action, and make it ok, simply because it is inosmeone's interest

You have a definate point - way too many people trying to stop others because they believe someone is commiting a "wrong action"...
Utah_jeepster said:
BUT you run down to a local 4x4 shop and buy ...rear light brush guards.LOL. Now I ask what in gods name do you need them for ??? Its not like your going to get a branch hitting it?
No wait I know.. its incase the piece of paper laying on the road in gettosville flys up and hits your tail light.

Here in the Midwest we often find ourselves backing up into heavy brush, wether it be to turn around or to get an improved angle or run at a nasty hill climb. I don't own them and have yet to break a taillight, but have had dents and a busted windshield from logs, so it is possible. There is a need around here.

hmmm didn't know I woke up in a non- free state is to each his own, and if he wants a Jeep like that, he's entitltled to have it.
We're not talking about anything illegal, like murder. "Oh he wanted that guy dead....well, to each his own."
I don't like that look, and think all that flash and "bling bling" on a Jeep is a terrible thing to look at, but that dosen't mean the owner shouldn't have it, nor does it mean it's not a Jeep. Just different than what we're used to. need to read betwen the lines to see the humour in this post.

My 2 cents.

Rob 8) :p :)
hey, how do you do that blue quote box??? I tried to figure it out earlier, but they didn't learn me up at school... :wink:

I certainly see the humor in this post... it is simply making fun of someone's taste... yeah, he's entitled to doing anything he wants to that jeep... it's just not right... no, it's not illegal, but it is still wrong

i am nobody to write rules, i have many friends who drop their trucks, chrome everything, and put the biggest rims they possibly can on any vehicle they own.. including many wranglers... but i'm the last person that will hold back from letting them know that it is stupid.. it just gives me something to laugh at... and that's all i do.. i'd never go as far as personally changing someone elses's vehicle for my own taste
Man, that thing is SICK! He's got every crap-o aftermarket chrome accessory you could get - except maybe a set of CURB FEELERS!!! (uh oh, :shock: better not give him any ideas!)