Run in with a mud pit


New member
Elliptical suspensions

Had a slight run in with a mud pit this weekend. And a few other pics.

Got creative with the B&W

Nice guy bringing me a winch cable










Tried to get some of Redrooster, but ran out of memory.
RE: Elliptical suspensions

Well done, WELL DONE!!!

Looks like you had a grand time!!! :mrgreen:
That's awesome, dude!!!! I like the way the guy bringing the winch cable just kinda cruised up all clean and neat-like right next to where you were swamped under!! Nice flex shot, too.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: New wrenching injury!

It was at Gray Rock ORV, part of Superlift tour of different parks this summer.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: New wrenching injury!

Dude........ SWEET pics!!

I was laughing my buttocks off at the fact there was a towel on the passenger seat!! Hell, I am still laughing!

Please don't tell me it actually kept the seat clean! :lol:

Re: RE: Run in with a mud pit

That was a sloppy mudhole!

Man, you almost made it! Just a couple more feet and you'd've been there. Oh well that's what winches are for.
I was there the whole weekend. There were so many people, I only ran into about about half a dozen friends out of 20 that were there. It was like someone kicked an ant bed. The good news was that everyone seemed to congregate at the river and mudhole. That made the rock trails near vacant.
I haven't heard the official count, but judging from past experience I would say there were at least 400 trail vehicles and 1200 people in attendance.
I had a great time and despite all the wheelies and abuse I put ole Blue through, the only damage sustained was a broken radio antenna.
The trail that you have in the pic with the camo Jeep is Whiskey Springs. I got a golf clap from the crowd for pulling some air through the midsection where you have to bulldog it between two big rocks. I wish I could see it on tape. It felt like the front end was 2 feet off the ground.

Your wheels were about 3 or 4 feet off the ground in that part. I remember seeing you come up. I was more toward the middle of the trail. I was to slow with the trigger finger to catch the shot of you in the air. The count sometime Saturday morning was over 500 trail rigs. It was a great time, one for the books.