

New member

Hey I went down to the jeep dealership today to look at the new Rubicon. All I have to say is that it is one beautiful jeep. Too bad it's way out of my price range. :-( Oh well, I can at least look at it. What does everyone else think about it?



Every nice setup, I like a lot of the toys they thrown in, but TJ's have always had been too modern for me. Plus I like the square head lights

:cool: [addsig]

Ya my thoughts exactly mat. I like the squares. Plus the rubicon is about $20,000 out of my price range :lol: :lol: I just think you could buy a 97 TJ for like 9000 and build it up into like a monster jeep and still not have spent as much money on it as you would if you bought a rubicon.[addsig]

The Rubicon out of the box is a sweet ride with factory coverage. But if I were to be makeing payments of that puppy I would hate to take it off road. I can buy a bunch of YJ's and Mod them to death for the price of one Rubicon. Tug[addsig]


There's really nothing major in a robicon that you can't put into another jeep for much less... what you'd be paying for is the convenience of not having to put it in... and the fact that its new. but... they did build a nice machine

edited by: Snitty, Feb 09, 2003 - 12:26 PM[addsig]