RIP Grand Cherokee

Yeah, he just had a cut on his chin, he was wearing his seat belt and everything.

All my non-jeep friends busted on him alittle afterwords saying "ONLY IN A JEEP" Haha

ya Jeeps are some pretty sturdy vehicles. But nothing can beat a GMC Envoy in teh rollover test. (Belive me, I know from experiance) Lets just say 20mph over the limit turning, and having a rear tire blow out on the highway dont mix too well. All on my permit. How sad is that?!

Hey that sucks glad to hear hes alright tho. I t-boned a f-250 (due to him running a red light, drunk in a company truck), in my 95 explorer a few years ago. The whole front end of my truck was completely missing and the pick up was on top of me. My airbag never deployed either and that was a 40mph head on collision. As for me im still hurting 2 years later and not much of an insurance check to show. I personally havent driven anything but SUV'S since. can you imagin either of these accidents in a car? ouch!!!!!