Rescue Mission


New member
I haven't been around too much in a past few days... just enough to pop in and reply to a few threads.... but I've got a story on board that i'm gonna unload.

Tuesday morning, after a sleepless night, i got a phone call at 7:30.. I looked at the caller ID, hoping it was nothing important so I could ignore it and go back to sleep. It was my dad, something had to be wrong for him to be calling at that hour. He had just gotten a call from my little step-brother saying that he got his truck stuck, Dad was calling me to go with the jeep and help him get him out. We arrive at the trailer he called from and picked him up. We started into the woods, and asked him where the truck is, and he starts blurting out directions. Soon I realize that he has no idea where the truck is. After 2 hours of searching, we start talking of leaving because we have to work... so I ask "Tom, happen to lock it up so nobody can raid it? We may have to wait until tomorrow, I've gotta work."... and to our amazement of his stupidity, he replies with "Well yeah, I left it running so it would stay warm, and so the battery didn't die from the headlights being on." This is after telling us some very ignorant and insanely stupid ways of trying to get unstuck. So... we looked for another hour, and finally left, we had to work. After dropping einstein off, we remembered that the truck was not registered, and was stored with no battery. How did he get it across town? I knew right then exactly what he did.... I looked in Dad's dump truck, no battery, opened the garage, no plates on the 1-ton

Day 2 - Dad and I go over to the kids house at about 8:00am to wake him up to go retrieve the truck.... someone from near the hill called and found it while on their ATV... Well, he wouldn't wake up, so we went up there anyway... with gas and a battery, knowing that both would be drained. We arrive at the truck, new battery, more gas, it starts up fine, we let it warm up as we look at what was wrong, why he was stuck.... he claimed to be on a stump.... there were no ruts, no logs, no rocks, no mud, and certainly no stump. Dad gets in, tosses it in gear, lets out the clutch, nothing, nowhere, just a rev.... clutch was toasted, he wasn't stuck, he was broke down, and failed to tell us, so we would go up there thinking we could do it.... Well, lets get it out of here, at least it runs, so we have steering and bra---- NOPE, no brakes either, that's why it wasn't on the road, he took it offroading with no brakes. We then had to think of how to get it down the big hill... well, the trail happened to come out partway up the hill... so i hooked up a few tow straps really good, towed dad in the truck backwards to the hill, up and out of the trail, so we were both facing downhill, with him "hanging" below me... 4-lo 1st gear, i suspended him all the way down, when we reached the bottom, i hooked up to the front of him, then continued to pull him through the trails, out of the woods, and back home... we got there, then Dad and I go to his house and start making up some bills to deliver to make up for the day and a half of work that we lost... and gas... we won't see reimbursement... but its worth a laugh

sorry about the long boring epic... just had a few minutes on hand and figured someone else may get a laugh out of someone's stupidity

Wow a holiday adventure you wont forget and i"ll bet in time you will laugh about it (years?). Did you take away his BB gun and sled?
That can be tough being behind a no-brakes vehicle and acting as thier brakes. Good job, and don't cut that knuckle-head any slack.

At least he had good intentions-= leaving the truck on so it stays nice and warm for you!!!
Good work at figuring out a way to get it home.
Dont forget to add in the extra ordenary recovery methods employed by you and your it special engineering fee and try for 150$ hour as feild Engeering rates.
Think I would have to kick his tail Snitty! If for no other reason for just not getting out of bed to help. Tug

PS his name would not be Will would it? Cause he sounds jsut like a kid that lives in my house who drives a Ranger. heheehe

truck was running, to save the battery from the headlights being on! lol

Man that's good stuff! What an adventure :shock:
That is buy far the craziest recovery tale I have every heard :shock: and I thought I had been in some bad situations.
hahahaha i would give him a good slap leaving the truck running to keep the battery from draining hehehe shut off the light hahaha interesting story hope i never run into somethign like that,

yeah.. he now said he left the lights on so we could see the truck... but by the time we got in the woods... the sun was up.. and the truck was facing away from the entrance, so we had no chance of seeing the lights anyway