Replacement Frame


Active member
RE: Weber choke


Would this be better than....

or no? Wich one would be better for hard-core off roading?

RE: smoke problem

both have strengths and weaknesses. Option one I guess can be better for offroad rig, but why?

I would simply opt for a used stock frame or the aftermarket beefed up frame.. one, it allows you to bolt things to the frame (fuel pump, brake lines, etc..) the ride won't be so harsh, the factory frame has small amounts of flex in it, and softens the ride.

easier swap too
RE: It

I like the first one, but I have to agree with Jps4jeep and ask: Why?

The factory frames are too flexy but it's easy to brace them. Square tube is easier to build off of for the equipment challenged. Everything you add to that first frame would have to be coped to fit flush with the tube and you would need to make sure every stressed component attached to both of those tubes. I'd like to have one of the first ones to build off of, but I don't think it's a clear cut case of which is "better". They both have drawbacks which would become more apparent depending on the builder.

Does somebody actually build the first one, or is that just a drawing?
that first ones is at Quadrtec,

yea I agree, get a stock junked frame, refinish it. All the common holes are there and its easier to work with. youll spend a third of $$ on the stock one.. Just make sure the junked one is straight and rust-free!!