Reminder to stand far away when pulling someone from the mud


New member
I got my self stuck deep in some mud the other day on some land that is being cleared for some new development. Being without a winch I was pretty screwed. I ran out of the woods to where the construction workers where getting ready to start there night. They agreed to pull me out with a Loader for free. We get to my jeep, my buddy hooks up my 3" rope and step off to the side towards the front of the loader. I was so deep the rope snaps swings around and hits my friend in the nuts. Needles to say he can not walk now. Ohh, the worst part was it was my friends birthday as well. Happy B-Day to him. Good news is after that happend the guy in the loader pulled out a chain and freed me.


well..good ya got out..sorry to hear about your friends boys.
HOLY COW! That sucks, my bits and pieces hurt just reading this! Hope hes alright... what are the chances?
bad news there... that's terrible... might want to get checked... their health is pretty crutial....

a 3inch rope snapped???

A 2" strap commonly takes a load up to 20,000lbs, what was this rope you speak of?

Thanks for passing on the heads up, hopefully it keeps somebody safe and makes them think twice about safety.

Hope your buddy is okay.
You live and you learn! We hope anyway. Sounds like several rules were broken. Like Never stand close when in tow, Never wheel alone, ect........ tug
Its was a nice 3" rope. I was pretty darn deep in the mud. I have been using this rope for a few years on and off so maybe it got week I dont know. I had to leave it attached to the loader since it tightend up so much I could not get it off.

My friends boys are know 3 diffrent colors from what he says. He is walking around prety good, with the exception of a minor limp. He is pissed that he cant get any lap dances down in daytona for bike week this weekend

I took a friend riding with me one time and he ha a serious run in with my Hi-Lift. I got hung up in a rut with the Jeep leaned againsta a bank on the passenger side. He got out by steppin up onto the bank and walked around to th back of the Jeep. It was dark and he planted his hand on the back of th Jeep to jump down in the rut. Well, I used to have my HiLift mounted back there on the spare tire rack. When he jumped down, the foot plate caught his pants at the knee and ripped them all the way to his scrotum and about took them off too. He laid in the rut moaning and groaning and holding himself for about 10 minutes. It was ugly. All I could offer him was a cold beer to ease the pain.
I have since moved the Hi-Lift to a safer location.
That sucks that your boy's "boy's" are in pain, take lots of pics in daytona. I went two years ago and want to go back so bad, Hey did I just High Jack this thread??


Might want to see a doctor though, regardless of his ability to walk or not. some serious damage can be done to his twig and berries.

Need quick help for flexalite installl!!!


HAHAHAHA...aww, your poor friend!! :lol:

twigs and berries..bits and pieces...LOL

How good it is not to be a man.
:lol: This story is horrific and a good way to share a lesson.

Laura-So I wasn't the only Jeep Gurl thinking the EXACT same thing? LOL


OUCH! What are the odds of hitting him there? I learned my lesson, when towing someone out of a rut. Where a cup. :wink:
Project almost complete - pics to follow over the weekend

CAUTION: Reading this post may cause anxiety, nausea, and possibly the inability to momentarily stand completely upright. LOL

Oooooph. 3 colors??? ugh. Ow. Man some things I'd just rather not know about.

Next time..just send a girl to do a mans will get done better anyways...

hmm..i don't know if i should post that...

hope he's ok - i feel his pain - a shot like that will definitely knock the wind out of 'ya..
LauraBoston said:

HAHAHAHA...aww, your poor friend!! :lol:

twigs and berries..bits and pieces...LOL

How good it is not to be a man.
laura, thats the only time though, evey other instance being a guy is better. can you pee standing up? i thought not! :lol:

man he's lucky he didn't loose someting. i've heard of a guy getting jumped and beaten and kicked so severly down there that he lost one.

i'd definately go get it checked out. a guy i work with twisted one. if he hadn't gotten it checked out he would have lost it.

it may just be brusing, but then again it might be a bit more.

wouldn't want to be a one *ehem* wonder