rebuid title


New member
i got a 85 cj7 that im currently working on its getting rebuilt from the ground up. the problem is i bojght it with no tittle so i have two qustions. can i get a rebuild tittle for it and what kinds of stuff do they look at.

Laws related to titles vary from state to state. Do you know the status of the title for the VIN that is currently assigned to your Jeep?

At a minimum you're generally required to keep all receipts and VIN info for all donor vehicle parts that go into a rebuilt vehicle. Then your state authority will have to inspect the vehicle, usually the highway patrol or the licensing office.
I bought my scrambler with no title. I filed for a Certificate of Ownership and got a title. It had not been registered in 7 years and I gave less than $3000 for it. There were some other stipulations, can't remeber what they were. This is in Tenn. don't know where you are or if they have that there. If there is not money owed against it or it has been stolen you shouldn't have a problem. There are title services that'll get you a title for a fee but you can save the $$ and do it yourself. The state the tax dollars, so if your honest and there's nothing shady been going on they'd be glad to sell you a tag... or should be.
Thanks for the info im not sure where the truck come from.several people have owned it and it came off a farm i live in KY anything i need to watch for as far as rust spots our the frame