Rear sound help!!!!


New member
Ok guys here's one for you. I am new to jeeps and am lovin my 1988 yj project. Here's my problem today I was driving it and there was a mysterious sound coming from the passenger side rear. Jeep shook a little almost like a tire rubbing but it wasn't my question is what is making that sound? It does happen all the time just sporadically. Please help!!

Taco Bell and your Passenger.

Are you in four wheel drive when this happens?
Pulling out or at speed?
Does in 4 wheel and 2 wheel. Yes at speed. Happens on and off. To me seems when i turn is when it happens. If I am goin straight it doesn't happen
If it was u joint it would be more or a klickin sound with a vibration. Or dose it sound something like holdin a metal bowl on a table and running a metal spoon on the in side hard. Pull your tire off on the side u think it coming from and just try to pull your axle in and out try to see how much play is in your rear end. U can do this with your tier on but I can check other thing wile its off.

Give me a second to put a foot in my mouth yeah check the u joint to lol
Occam's Razor- the simplest explanation is usually better than the complex ones....sure u checked them already but if not check your wheel bearings....always go simplest and cheapest first.

Jack up that wheel and spin it.

I fought a sound like that for 6 months. Was very intermittent. Ended up being rocks that would get stuck in my tire tread.

Ok here's an update. I took the wheels off and did a little exploring. Then took out on another road test to pin point the problem. It only makes the noise/shake in 4H. Works good in 2H and 4L. Any ideas??
It's coming from the rear??? If so im stumped. If it is else where, How fast are you driving in 4hi?? could be front drive shaft u-joint, front wheel bearings, drive shaft bent and at speed vibrates. If I drive around 35ish in 4hi, my front end has a vibration. I can even tell when in 2wd, if my hubs are locked in by the way the front end feels. If you get this vibe at that speed or higher, I wouldnt worry too much about it. The factory manuals even say not to exceed a X-amount of speed in 4wd, and I believe it was around 35-45mph for the cj's t-case. I would Just slow it down some in 4hi if thats the case..
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are your driveshafts factory or custom made?? if factory check to see if your balancing weight has come off...if custom made they could just not be balanced right.

Ok well I thought it was comin from rear at first. But now after reading posts and the chilton book it can only be comin from the front. My axels are stock as far as I know I just bought this. Once I get some time I will take the front drive shaft off and check for straightness and check u joints. One thing that leads me to believe they may be upgraded is there is a hose mounted and tapped into diff housing could be air lockers could be something else will have to investigate. Also I bought this yj from a guy who got it from a guy so no telling what has been done to it. I do know that the engine was rebuilt from bottom up. And my speedo doesn't work. Other than that just tryin to learn this jeep. Luckily it's not my daily driver but nonetheless I am learning to love my jeep
I like your jeep, clean. The dif from the factory has a little fitting on it to vent the axle. If you do not run a hose from it to a high location, when you enter deep water, the water can be sucked into the dif. If not done already, check that your back one has a hose run to a higher location (like up top of the fender well) as well as the transmission and T-case. they all should have a vent fitting on them somewhere.
Just a added note for you.. If you plan to lift your jeep, I would only lift it an inch or two and add stainless braided brake lines. These are just longer pieces that go from your front calipers to the frame. In the back it go's from a fitting on top of the dif to a fitting at the cross member in front of the rear axle.. These are just longer, stronger replacment lines that will allow your suspension to flex more with out ripping your brake line apart. they are one of the first things I put on any jeep I get. a small lift and longer brake lines will get you further up the trail than you would think, without breaking the bank..
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Cool thanks I was thinking of a rough country 4 in and 33 tires. What would you recommend for lifting it to clear either 32 or 33's??