Rear Brakes

Operation 4x4

New member
Hey all, its been a while since ive posted a problem. Sorry if this seems like such a nub question.

My rear brake on my 98 wrangler gave out. I was arguing with my father for about 30 mins as to if there is a master cylinder in the rear brake. I called my mechanic and he said I have a busted master cylinder, even if its in the rear passenger side brake. So my question is; Is there a master cylinder in the rear brakes? Any advice it helpful, thanks.

There is only one master, as far as I know; it could be your proportioning valve or the rear brakes themselves...
As JFRABAT said there is only 1 master cylinder. there is however a wheel cylinder for each drum. If only one side of the rear brakes aren't working the wheel cylinder for that drum would be a prime suspect. Check for leaking brake fluid at the affected wheel.
If both rear wheels aren't working then I agree it could be the prop valve or the master cylinder. I never heard of a master cylinder affecting only 1 wheel.
Hope that helps.
If it is a wheel cylinder,which are about $10 at auto zone,replace your brake lines also.I tried to to just replace my wheel cylinders and could not get the old brake line off with out twisting and snapping the line.Total cost to do both wheel cylinders and brake lines was about $40 with getting the brake fluid also.
Didn't mean to ignore you must have replied while my fat fingers were still rambling on & on........:o
thanks for all the input guys; my wrangler is sitting at the shop right now. Hopefully it isnt that expensive, and yes it was leaking brake fluid lol ha

thanks :D