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Ok ... I have had it....

I had a 95 wrangler that had some transmission problems... I mean who really needs reverse, neutral, or even park I had drive and all of 4HI and 4LO so why did I ever think about what I have done to my Jeep.

I wanted to convert this worn out torn out 4 banger with an auto to something with a little more pep. SOOOO I purchase a 2002 Wrangler I6 in all its glory and the stick transmission out of the same Jeep and this is where it all goes south.

2002 compatibility with ANYTHING is like riding to hell in a hand basket, ECU connections are a joke, fuel pump is stupid, and there are more worthless wires than you can shake an old ladies finger at.....

So then lets toss everything new in the rig and run it like it was an I6 out of an old CJ or Carbed YJ so chunk all that ECU bull-snit, get rid of all the wires except lighting, starter, module, etc and try this ...OOOOO no forget that ...that would be way to easy now we can't find one single exhaust manifold to work and then when you finally do find an exhaust manifold to work the mechanic working on it GOES ON VACATION!!!

Now granted I DID DO almost all the freakin work for him I mean really how hard is it to tune a carb and bolt on an intake, exhaust, cap, rotor, distrib, coil, and plug wires.... Apparently way too hard!

Ok so I screwed up ...last September I should have just kept on truckin with only drive but instead like an idiot I pulled out the 4 put in a 6 ...yanked the auto and threw in a 5 speed.... did 95% of the work and then gave it to a mechanic for the final steps because I just do not have the time and here it is MARCH and I still don’t have a jeep.........< / RANT>

Ok now.... anybody else have a story to share? :roll:

Hang in there Kletus! Your almost there! I've been following this since you started and heck it sounds like it's been a nightmare but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope for you're sake it's not a train!
ya, hang in there man, It sounds like it is almost complete at least!! In the end you'll be happy you did it. My tired old 4 cylinder is going to have to be swapped out as well, and I'm not really looking forward to it either (can't live without my Jeep for any period of time!!)

Wow, sounds interesting. I'm a fan of trying out stuff, but ripping up a 2002 to get it into a 95 is hard to do. When you get it done, you will have doen an awesome thing and you will feel proud of yourself. This type of project only has two outcomes, succeed and be awesome, or fail miserably. I think you will be good and get your rig running great! Good luck, and hang in there!-al
Been there done that. I had a 63 Scout 80 with the 152 slant 4 and 3 speed. Gutless pig and the transmission was going. Found a 70 800 with a 304. Cool project for shop class. Picked it up cheep and took it to school. Well Senior year ends and Scout is not finnished. IH 304 is a big block. That was a pain to stuff in there had to drill out a ton of rivets to move the radiator. I found a mechanic to finish it up for me. Then after he is done and takes it to the exhaust shop he tells me I have the wrong clutch in there. Barly get it home. Buy another clutch. Put it in. Still does not work. Call scout place and have them send me another clutch. Finally. After 3 years of messing with it I finally got it running but did not have a front drive shaft. Sold it cause I was sick of it. I lost sooooooo much money on that thing.

That is why now 10 years latter I will keep my guttless I6 and run with it. I cholked the Scout up to learning experiance and hope I never have to go through that again.
I can see where the exhaust thing might get you, but the rest should have been a lot easier. I haven't followed on the swap, so fill me in.
If you do an engine swap like that then you should buy the new motor complete with all accessories, wiring harness and computer. Most people ditch the factory harness for a custom one from painless (maybe MOPAR in your case). The Painless harness will replace the factory harness in your Jeep all the way to the headlights and tailights. Just plug in the connectors, mount the computer and fuse panel, put in the new fuel pump and hi pressure lines and fire it up.
What could be easier than that? (kidding)
Stick it out. You have gone too far to go back.
The Fuel injection on my AMC took a few months to figure out. It got old. Turned out to be the cam that was messsing up the fuel injection.


Ok so I find out my mechanic took a vacation last week around this same time right??? So today I was just so ticked I went to the shop and the shop is still open and all cause there are other mechanics and receptionist still there just my mechanic is gone...So everyday as i go by for the past two weeks I've noticed my Jeep in the same freagin spot ..... Today I was still a lil upset about the entire ordeal and stopped in the shop and walked around back and started working on my jeep.....

so im under it pulling the old exhaust out and putting the new one in, feet peeking out while im on my back in the gravel, when someone asks what I am doing under the vehicle...so I come out from working on my own Jeep and go "Well I am working on my Jeep because no one else here wants to." (the guy who I have only seen a few other times and always thought he was a customer because he was always in nice dress kahkies, shirt, and tie type of thing) so the guy asks me why I am working on it and I let him have it about how the Jeep has been there for almost 3 months, no progress, no calls, and a vacationing mechanic ordeal and the dude turns out to be the owner of the shop... tells me it will be put in the slip tomorrow and wont come out until it is done and when it is that he will personally call me and not to worry about the bill, minus parts, because he would take care of it...dude said he was sorry about a million times, gave me his personal cell number and all sorts of king like treatment .... all because i was working on my own jeep :lol:

So I got a lot done today on my own Jeep...installed a cap and rotor, dist, coil, attached carb to intake and drilled holes for the control module....when they start work tomorrow all they have to do is put the Tarus electric fan in, actuall mount the intake and exhaust manifolds, hook the gas and ignition up and crap should crank!!! hopefully...
yea man i hope everything works out for you. it sounds like this whole ordeal has been a big pain in the pucker hole! im not looking forward to it!