Random stutter???


New member
Recently, around 3k rpm, I have been getting a bit of stutter from the engine. Feels almost like small spirts of no fuel? Then it is fine. The engine has not stalled yet, but it gets shaky sometimes due to the stutter. Any ideas?
thanks. jered

My first thought is pray. I am battling this now except mine did die. After replacing just about the entire ignition sytem with still no luck, I went to a local repair shop. Mistake No.1. They found a blown fusible link on the igniton wire along with a big tear in it.

Now I just checked that link the night before but I said ok if you got it to start again what do I owe you? Well $180 ripped off dollars later my problem came back 2 days later(yesterday) At least this time the line has a inline fuse that I could replace.

So I take my jeep home look at the work the fools done and find more breaks in the same wire they only cut and repaired in one spot. So I fixed the wire and then traced every wire that connects up with this one. Found nothing.

Today, my jeep is back at the fools shop along with my anger. I will let you know what comes out of it.

Check for grounding out wires first.
What engine is it? Fuel injected or what?
It sounds like your timing isn't advancing at your upper RPM range.
Yeah, need more info regarding fuel delivery. Don't forget that the fuel must mix with air before going into the combustion chamber. Therefore, if there's a bad leak or not enough air getting in, it could stutter.

When you replaced your spark plugs, was one (or more) covered with oil or grimey? They should be a burnt white/charcoal color. If it's got oil on it, then you have blow-by, where the oil is getting past the piston and can cause misfires.

Check your oxygen sensor, or have it checked. But i would have to bet on some type of air leak/vacuum leak.

But the bottom line is, if you paid $ for repair and it's not fixed, make them do it for free. Get pissed and embarass them in front of other customers... it will make them nicer... or else sadistic, and booby trap your jeep. Good luck... let us know what you find.


What's it worth?

Mine is a 88yj with a weber and no sensors of any kind. They all met the trash can some time ago.

Update on my jeeps status is: SAME. the fools have know had my vehicle for over 8 hours today and have not touched it. I will be taking it to the steelerhip down the street now. They are open until 8 oclock just to take your money. I should have went there in the first place.

have you changed the fuel filter lately? a salesman that i worked with had a company truck that stuttered at highway speeds. he took it to a shop and the mechanics wanted to rebuild the transmission. our company mechanic changed the fuel filter and the stutter went away.

i may be wrong but unless you swap out that dist. cap you wont be able to rev past 3k rpm. weird part is that you said that this is a new issue. on my jeep i also have the weber and at about 2800 rpm's it would start to jump spark from one cylinder to another because the stock cap is so small. when it started to crossfire it would stutter just as you are describing. i swapped out the cap for the tfi setup (how to section) aka juice box, now it will rev smoothly past 3000. give it a shot, about 100 bucks...same price you will give the stealership for an hour and a half of work...... fuel injected guy, i dont have any suggestions for you although i envy your fuel injection!!!
chucking the air conditioner


I too remember reading that the stock distributor cap on Jeep 6-cylinders can allow cross-fire to occur at high (~3K) RPMs due to it's size. I also remember seeing larger caps that are supposed to fix the problem. Not sure if they work or not.

I guess the question is how often do you drive it up to 3000 RPMs?

-Nick :!:
along with XJNick, i'll have to ask that too... there really is no reason to take the 6 cyl up to 3k other than maybe during a quick acceleration or in occasional offroad escapes. And if it is brought that high, it should be for a brief (1-2 seconds) period before shifting. And if you are at that speed in high gear, then you are driving too fast

unless it is an automatic, then it would be shifting at a higher rpm than you would usually shift in a manual... and highway speeds may be about 3k rpm

That's ridiculous to think that he she just not go to or above 3K rpms. I hit 3K regularly. I bet most guys with bigger tires and stock gearing hit 3K rpms regularly. You need to get that fixed, whatever it is. I even hit 4K rpms when getting on the highway.... of course, I have a 2.5L with 33's and need the extra power to match the on-coming traffic. But 3K rpms is a NECESSITY.

My Jeep's enginge sees 3000 RPM's every day. When I'm on the highway and I have open road I cruise at just under 3000 RPM's and am by no means a maniac driver.
JeredYJ said:
Mine is a '91 4.0L fuel injected. (100k miles)
hi_c said:
I have a 2.5L with 33's and need the extra power to match the on-coming traffic. But 3K rpms is a NECESSITY.

You missed the point myself and snitty were trying to make:

In the 4.0L 6-cyl engines, it isn't everyday that you need to hit 3K + RPMs to make the Jeep move.

You and Twisted are talking about the 4-cylinder engine. They are two separate engines that behave differently. From what I understand, they are designed to run at higher RPMs. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

95 XJ sport 4.0 HO

:shock: 3,000 rpm? hahaha. I bet old ladies flip you the bird as they speed past. :lol:

You're not going to jump spark at 3,000rpm with a properly functioning factory cap setup unless you are feeding it with a serious ignition system. The factory setup will turn well past 3k. Look elsewhere for your problem.
XJNick said:
You and Twisted are talking about the 4-cylinder engine. They are two separate engines that behave differently. From what I understand, they are designed to run at higher RPMs. :mrgreen:

You're right, my mistake.
i have a factory ignition system, with the nutter bypass and i know i can take it to 4500 rpm. i didn't try to go any higher, but there was no problem at 4500. btw 84 cj7 w/ carter carb.