Raining on a Wrangler...a right of passage!


New member
So, I feel as though I am officially a SWB Jeeper, finally got rained on all to hell.

So, I take my bikini top off... and go to work, (like an idiot, but I live in the desert understand.) Unfortunately we've had record rain this summer, and it's been torrential. I got destroyed!! The rain drops were HUGE!!

Picture this, guy gets off work, in a suit and tie, drives in his jeep in the pouring rain with no top on. People were laughing!!! :lol: :oops: And I was wearing a white shirt, so I was sporting a "nip-on". Hahahahaha.

Now I've added liner to my list of things to do. Holy crap was that a lot of water to deal with!

Great... going to bed with the image of Mingez and his big nipples showing through his rain drenched shirt... nightmares sure to come.... :| Seriously, it really isnt that bad is it man? You dont even hardly notice it once you get good and wet. The worst part is the rain getting all over the inside of the windshield. Glad to hear you have moved into the world of real jeepin
Yank some of the floor plugs at the beginning of Summer and replace them before winter. That was the water won't pond in the Jeep. Do you have carpet? That's gotta go. :)


You were 'posed to say "Go, Go Gadget umbrella."

I keep a couple of plastic trash bags in the Jeep console. A plastic trash bag can be worn as a poncho during unexpected rainstorms.

Tear two holes in the bag for your arms, another hole for your head. (I suppose one could also tear two eyeholes instead of a head hole and then drive around as the "Unknown Jeeper.) NB: Always observe the Surgeon General's plastic bag suffocation warnings.

Selection of garbage bag capacity will depend, of course, on the size of the bagee: bathroom size for small dogs, kitchen or tall kitchen for children, 29-gallon for normal sized people, Lawn and Leaf (39 gallon) for Blimpie sandwich fanatics.

I prefer the clear plastic garbage bags to the black or green bags. A green bag might clash with one's ensemble. A black plastic trash bag should be reserved for wear during formal Jeeping: junior/senior proms, funerals, weddings, etc.



Ah, the ol' Jeep baptism!! Welcome to the fold, Mingez! Just remember that it was the 1st time, but will not be the last. Wife and I baptized my brother shortly after he got his YJ. Took the top down and headed to the river (beautiful day when we left). By the time we hit the gorge, it was pouring (and I agree - the worst thing is the wet inside of windshield). I incanted "Go, Go Gadget - overpass" and, lo and behold, one appeared. We put the top up (oops - left the windows at home), pulled the plugs, and continued on our wet way. All part of the fun!

Ha Ha Ha, welcome to the wonderful world of wet wrangelers. My wife was kind enough to break mine in for me. She went to the airport to pick up a friend that was coming in town to visit. They went to dinner and when they came out it was pouring. Her luggage was soaked, they were soaked and the Jeep was soaked. They thought that I would be mad but when they pulled in the garage all dripping and looking like sad puppies, all I could do was laugh.

Back in high school we use to get a kick out of purposely going out in the YJ with the top down when it was raining good for the look on people's faces. During a nice hot summer day its refreshing...we also went out in shorts and a tank top with the top down and doors off in January when there is 3 feet of snow on the ground just to get the crazy looks...all in good fun.

Inspector-Gadget said:
(I suppose one could also tear two eyeholes instead of a head hole and then drive around as the "Unknown Jeeper.)

Hehehehe. Now THAT would be cool. Hmmmmmmm. :lol:

Those unexpected baptisms are what pushed me over the edge and forced my hand at getting Line-Xed this past spring.
Judge, now that is funny~!!! You wrote:

we also went out in shorts and a tank top with the top down and doors off in January when there is 3 feet of snow on the ground just to get the crazy looks...all in good fun.


I don't have to tell you my rain stories, I know you have seen me write it enough time. I was in it today with no doors and windows too. I got those "looks" too. It's not raining now though and I'm off to put the doors back on! The hurricane will make us wet all weekend.

The mental image was quite funny, thank you. lol


I dont have any rain storys cause I never get rain.
Ok...picture this. Checked the ol' radar one evening...nothing in sight, but, trying to be cautious I decided to take a tarp and bungee on just for good measure. Around midnight I awoke to a soothing gentle rain....thought to self "not raining hard...no wind....this is good...tarp has saved the ol' Jeeper from a drowning" . A smile came to my face knowing that I had done good with the tarp. With that I drifted back into slumber sleep. At 7am I awoke with the rain gone from the sky! Went out to go to work and found the tarp had made a pool between the windshield and the rollbar....as I eased the door open so I could reach the center of the tarp to push it up and expell the "pond"...a bungee slipped off its rest and....WWHHHOOOOSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I now have about 35 GALLONS of water dumped at one time into the front seating area of the jeep. Mind you that the plugs were out...which would have taken care of 35 gallons of rain over a period of time...but not in 1/100ths of a sec!!! With about 3" of water floating the floor mats I realize the error of my ways..........

go ahead and laugh....everyone else has......

OMG OMG OMG I am hysterical here! LOL I almost fell out of my seat when I read your note. I knew what was coming and I still burst out laughing. I am so sorry but your story sounds so much like I could have wrote it!

I remember one time, I had the jeep like a month and one of our huge summer thunderstorms rolled through. Well dummy me, wasn't watching the weather (still don't actually) and rode all the way to the beach, bout a half hour away.

Didn't take a jacket, or anything and had the windows off and top down. On the back it was pitch black no moon and I'm on a country road from the beach and BAM BOOM BAM - I swear it was the MOST violent storm I've ever seen in my entire life. I was sitting right out in it with no top, no jacket, no nothing. The rain was so hard and the thunder so loud I couldn't see or drive. I actually almost had heart failure the lightening was so close all around me. I had to pull over and sit in the open on the side of the road, pitch black no less and just wait the storm out so I could drive home.

We all got our rain stories for sure!

mingez said:
Hahahaha!!! Normal sized nipples my friend. I don't have moobs. :lol:

I learn a new word from either you or Sully everyday. Todays word: Moobs :D