A 4 core might not fit in the space, you need to measure from the fan to your stock 2 core. If you have a lot of room between the radiator and fan, say over 3" then a new 4 core may fit.
Does your CJ-5 still have it's fan shroud? The shroud is important cuz if forces the fan to pull cool air from in front of the grill, not from in the engin compartment, (warmed air)
If all the components of the cooling system are working properly,then, you'd have no cooling problems, but, as you mentioned, it's heating up. So, something's not right. I suspect you already know this huh? Duh.......
Have you tried running with out the thermostat? perhaps is stuck closed. Another item, (not sure if your year had one ) is a fan clutch. 63' may not have one, but if it does, is it operating porperly? to check it, while it's cold it should be somewhat hard to turn with motor off. As it's warmed up, (from hot air from radiator) it'l start to grab alittle more until it's cooled off by the air flow from radiator. As radiator heats up again, the warm ari then heats up the clutch and caouses it to grab, causing the fan to spin up and move (pull) more air thru radiator. This process is continually on going while the motor is running.
If the fan shroud is missing, then the fan can't pull fresh cool air thru the radiator (cooling it). Course, if the radiator is junk, well then, all of what I just typed won't work anyway! [addsig]