Questions for FL people....non-jeep related


New member
The gf and I have been talking about moving out to central NY for about a year now. Coupling that with the blistering cold of this current winter, I think we are both decided on a change. Her parents live in Boca Raton, FL and we have been talking about moving there or somewhere else in FL. Maybe Tampa. I have lived in NY my whole life but have visited south FL multiple times on vacation. I always had a blast there. I just want to hear what you all think about full time living in FL. Good and Bad. Thanks for the input.

florida has enough areas to make it a jeep response, like where i'm headed to this weekend: Ocala National Forest. main gripe down here is the over population. the story line goes that tampa is merging with orlando and it's to be called orlampa. and it is headed in that direction. the beach is being systematically bought up-i've offered a peep window for spring breakers: a window pops up, ocean in view and just enough time to shotgun a beer. next in line please. would i move. nope. do have a fondness for the mountains but the sun was shining today, 70 degrees-plus i kayak and florida offers just about everything. if there's more specific info, let me know. oh yea, everyone gripes about snowbirds but i find them to be the amongst the most sane drivers on the road. plus most of them served in WWII or Korean War so if they drive slow in front of me, big deal.
I would do it, Sharona is lucky to be living it up on the gulf side and not here in rainy ole oregon. I am heading to vegas or so cal as soon as i am out of school, florida would be nice but just too far away.
'91 Wrangler... 50k miles... $5,000. obo

I just got back from Florida last night... I would definitely move there if I could!!!

Fort Myers and Naples is pretty... its cityish and rural all at the same time... and there are a lot of places to go wheelin... and a lot of nice jeeps to look at... :wink:

Thanks for the inputs...I havent heard too many bad things. I can handle a little bit of urban sprawl to get good weather and year-round jeeping. The traffic may be a little hard to get use to. The city I live in has next to no traffic. But as the temp was -8 again this morning I am outta here. I understand what laneiac is talking about with moving far away. I really like the West coast. San Jose/San Fran area is awsome but my whole family is on the east coast so here I stay
I'll be moving into Tampa (University Of Tampa) in a few months. Like you, I'm "enjoying" this Northeast wonder right now. I'd say get the heck outta here and get to Florida. My parents recently bought in Ft. Myers. Really nice area, perhaps something to look into. About 2 hours south of Tampa and two hours north of Boca (since your g/f has family there).

Good luck!


and Im sure the Jeep wouldnt mind the move! Offroadin and year round top off!
allow me to dip in on the prior post-there's a rainy season during the summer but for the most part i'm partial to a tarp that i throw over the jeep in case of showers. the top down/doors off scenario is an extremely realistic vision for a majority of the year. and do not allow me to misconstrue you on the urban sprawl issue. yea, it's here but there are plenty of rural opportunities available especially in the northern regions. and the access to spring fed rivers ain't too shabby neither. not to mention the moderation in temps-florida speaking.
I would not recomend Boca personaly. The homes there are either very expensive or very poor. There is realy no middle class around that area. Apartments are dirt cheap thow. I was just down there looking to transfer on my job. I even bought me jeep when I was down there. I Live in Jax FL now, which I love but it is getting crowded fast. Tampa would be a better choice for you but the question is how much heat can you handle? The further south you go in FL the hotter it is in the summer. I stayed in the keys for a while nothing like 100+ degree weather and no wind. That is some thing to keep in mind no wind and high humidity with lots of heat.
I agree with pushead...HEAT. I love Florida - to visit. The heat isn't that bad when your on vacation and can jump in the pool or ocean to cool off but if you live, work etc there...I don't know if i could hang with it. I hate cold weather but I also hate high humidity, sticky, work up a sweat walking to the Jeep, no breeze except on the water, heat.

Other than that, I love Florida. West of Pensacola in particular.

It would even be OK if you kick me out of the truck in Tennessee. Tug probably won't mind if he wakes up one morning to find me tent camping on his front lawn.

I haven't seen Tug around lately, I hope everything is ok.

Gadget...I will let you know when we head out so you can hop a ride in the truck...we have some comfy couches you can lounge on during the ride.

Alot of you make a good point about the heat. I am a northern boy by blood and I am sure it will take some getting use to. But I know I can function in heat. Even if I get sweaty. But, when it hits -20ish dont even go outside. Besides the temp. FL has something that is severly lacking in CNY and thats sunshine. We rival Seattle as the cloudiest city. I believe it was 1999 or 2000 that we only mananged around 50 days of sunshine. ugh.

Before we make the big move we are definitely going to look into the different costs of living (big emphasis on housing). I didnt realize boca had such a gap between the upper and lower classes. Considering I dont fall into the upper class section I might have to take a hard look there. Thanks for everyones response...very much appreciated.
Good luck with your move man. Florida is my favorite place in the states to be. Well one of them. I thrive off HEAT and love the 90+ hot sunny weather.

God I wish I was there now. I favor the Fort Lauderdale area myself. Of course, I've not been offroading there anywhere, but the rest is awesome. I love the laid back mentality and all the awesome stuff to do there. I want to move myself but am a loner and can't afford to do it right now, if ever. lol

I still say someday don't be surprised if you find me lying out under some beach umbrella company's stand one night owning nothing but my shorts, and a corona, oh and how can I Jeep.

Better wait until its paid for. lol

Gadget- I am going to FL in March to catch a cruise. Maybe I can just dissapear into the crowd down there and assume a new identity? lol Your the gadget dude, you could help me with that right? lol

4.0 fuel injector question

Florida is a great state to live in. I've been here for over 30 years (in Naples) and have wheeled here for almost as long. the winter wheather is great (72 right now), but the summers are ungodly hot and humid. Unless you're in the construction industry, forget Naples/Ft myers area (that about the only industry here.
Master Cylinder Gone////?

I live in Central Florida. Just East of Tampa about 20 min. I prefer the central area come time for the hurricane season. A lot safer and more country. If you are into the big seen and are used to the city. Tampa is a great choice. North Tampa, Clearwater etc. South to Boca is great if you a fisherman, but costly to live. Tampa is fairly reasonable and great if you love the finer things. food, fun and spirits.. Good Luck! I welcome another sun worshipper.

Well it sounds like alot of people who live there really do like it. I am heading back down to Southern FL in March for a few days. We are going to check out the Boca, Ft Lauderdale areas. After all the salt, snow, and slush I make my jeep endur I think it deserves some beach time 8)
Though someone mentioned one of the best kept secrets in Fla. the emerald coast form Ft. Walton to the Bama line, cooler temps the best beaches in Fla and woods with cold fresh water and jeep trails into Bama and Georgia. the whitest beaches in the world Pensacola
I lived in or around the Daytona area for about 10 yrs, and then moved back up to PA about 11 yrs ago. Both areas have their good points and bad points, so the only way to know for sure is to live there for awhile. I loved living in FLA, but that is me, I know a lot of ppl who hated it. However, every winter (and summer), I ask myself why the hell did I ever move from there, especially when I am freezing my A@@ off in frigid weather

The freezing the A@@ off part is the major driving factor for leaving NY. After another subzero weekend I think the final decision was made to head to FL.