Question about tipping.

Wow, lots of good responses.

TwistedCopper said:
She gets varying percentages based on how hot she is :lol:

:lol: Yeah, that usually does play a big part of it. Sorry ladies but the better looking women do make better sales people and get better tips. :roll: Just the way of the world I guess.
That part was just a joke. I'm too settled in my life for looks to affect my wallet ;)

Still I wonder what other folks do there, tip or not?

south442 said:
Wow, lots of good responses.

TwistedCopper said:
She gets varying percentages based on how hot she is :lol:

:lol: Yeah, that usually does play a big part of it. Sorry ladies but the better looking women do make better sales people and get better tips. :roll: Just the way of the world I guess.

Don't worry South... all of OUR ladies ARE better looking women...especially in their Jeeps. Yeah, I'm kissing up...what do you expect?

Mrs. Mud,
very good insight. I got confused with you using Mr. Mud's took me a second after I saw "Waitress". You should sign up...we need more Jeep ladies!!

And you are right about the job, some people think that if you forget to bring Ketchup (when you have to remember mustard for table 2, aus jus for table 23, the guy on 13 needs an ash tray, child spilled coke all over table 31 (don't forget the rag), and your food for 3 of your tables is up) that you are personally wronging them, and they have a license to verbally assault you and threaten your job security and livelihood for a bottle of freaking Ketchup. Which the low-rent bastard shouldn't be using on his Filet Minion ANYWAYS!!! Just a little bitter from my serving days... I hate bullies.

Memo to customers: because your server is "serving" you doesn't give you the right to beraid and belittle them in public.
TwistedCopper said:
That part was just a joke. I'm too settled in my life for looks to affect my wallet ;)

Still I wonder what other folks do there, tip or not?

I tip pretty much everywhere. I figure it's the old "what goes around, comes around" theory (still waitin' for it to "come around" though). In the past, I figured I was really blessed to be makin' the money I was makin', so I figured I would "share the wealth"......Although, now that my income has diminished, I'm a little less generous.
My wife and I are big tippers when service is above average. We generally have a good repoir with our waiters and waitresses by the time the food comes because we are both outgoing and friendly, so most of the time we have excellent service. A couple of upscale restaurants we frequent know us well enough that the manager will buy our meals from time to time. When that's the case, we'll tip up to $50. Otherwise, we almost always tip 30%-40% for excellent service.....and that's what gets the wait staff fighting over who will serve us when we come in the next time. I have left pennies before for terrible service (and have never paid for poorly prepared food in my life), but that's not often. The way I see it, I'm paying you to make something edible, therefore, if it's not cooked the way I ask, not warm, not fresh, I'm outta there and you don't get paid for the crap. As I've told restaurant owners before when not paying for poor quality, "There are hundreds of restaurants in town that will make this same dish the way it's supposed to be made, and they will get paid for it." If you want to run a restaurant, there is absolutely no excuse for lousy food or staff. Hire a chef that can cook, hire waiters and waitresses that are's that simple.

mingez said:
south442 said:
Wow, lots of good responses.

TwistedCopper said:
She gets varying percentages based on how hot she is :lol:

:lol: Yeah, that usually does play a big part of it. Sorry ladies but the better looking women do make better sales people and get better tips. :roll: Just the way of the world I guess.

Don't worry South... all of OUR ladies ARE better looking women...especially in their Jeeps. Yeah, I'm kissing up...what do you expect?

Mrs. Mud,
very good insight. I got confused with you using Mr. Mud's took me a second after I saw "Waitress". You should sign up...we need more Jeep ladies!!

And you are right about the job, some people think that if you forget to bring Ketchup (when you have to remember mustard for table 2, aus jus for table 23, the guy on 13 needs an ash tray, child spilled coke all over table 31 (don't forget the rag), and your food for 3 of your tables is up) that you are personally wronging them, and they have a license to verbally assault you and threaten your job security and livelihood for a bottle of freaking Ketchup. Which the low-rent bastard shouldn't be using on his Filet Minion ANYWAYS!!! Just a little bitter from my serving days... I hate bullies.

Memo to customers: because your server is "serving" you doesn't give you the right to beraid and belittle them in public.

Sorry for the long quote, I'm too lazy to edit this morning:

In an addendum to my last post, I still tip the wait staff if the food is lousy but the service was good. Afterall, it's not their fault the chef can't cook. They did their part of the job, and if they did it well, they still get tipped, just that the boss doesn't get paid.

Also, I usually try to give the tip directly to the waiter or waitress, as I know that busboys will steal tips, having worked as a dishwasher/busboy before.

Oh, and at Sonic, I don't Kansas, they kids at Sonic make minimum wage or more, so I don't see the need to tip them. I still think tipping is stupid though. The restaurant owner is a cheapskate who depends on the customer to not only pay for the food but also pay for the hired help. What would you think about that in any other business? Go to the bank to pay your Jeep payment and have to also tip the teller to insure that your payment gets posted? Yeah....tipping is a form of extortion to some extent. Only it happens after the fact. Believe me, as I stated earlier, wait staff remember the good tippers, and they will fight over who gets to serve them!!
mud4feet said:
I tip pretty much everywhere. I figure it's the old "what goes around, comes around" theory (still waitin' for it to "come around" though). In the past, I figured I was really blessed to be makin' the money I was makin', so I figured I would "share the wealth"......Although, now that my income has diminished, I'm a little less generous.

This has been my philosophy too...also still waiting for it to come around. One exception: I DON'T DO TIP JARS. Nope. Unhah. No way.
Special_K said:
One exception: I DON'T DO TIP JARS. Nope. Unhah. No way.
Damn K, we agree on something! There is hope for this country.

Hey man I owe you an apology for ripping you a couple weeks ago in a thread. I could go into reasons for my state of mind, but excuses are simply ways to make apologies less genuine. Fact is it was unprevoked, you were underserving of it, and I am truly sorry. I was going to PM you, but well i think it right to post it.


TwistedCopper said:
Special_K said:
One exception: I DON'T DO TIP JARS. Nope. Unhah. No way.
Damn K, we agree on something! There is hope for this country.

Hey man I owe you an apology for ripping you a couple weeks ago in a thread. I could go into reasons for my state of mind, but excuses are simply ways to make apologies less genuine. Fact is it was unprevoked, you were underserving of it, and I am truly sorry. I was going to PM you, but well i think it right to post it.


No problem at all and no apology necessary...really. At least I don't think so anyway...did I miss a really neasty thread? Well regardless, I don't hold grudges too well. When I was about 10, I told my brother I wasn't talking to him ever again...and I meant it at the time. That lasted for a good 60-90 seconds.

Anyway, you'll have to try a lot harder than that to insult me. :wink:

there was someone earlier in this thread who said he/she used to be a waiter or waitress (i'm too lazy to go back and find out who), but i agreed with what they said. i think its different for someone thats in the business. for anyone who's ever had a job where you rely on tips, you generally tip well. i always tip 20% at least at a resturant, and i round up.

ex. i was outside my resturaunt the other night, talking to someone who just ate inside, he told me he was in the resturaunt business, he and his friends were at another resturaunt that i valet at earlier that night, and their bill was $175, and they left a $100 tip.

obviously poor service is not worthy of a good tip, but if you appreciate the service, show it. you can just tell who's been in the business, and who is around it all the time, our regulars always treat us well, and we always treat them well. there's a reason people get treated as regulars, they either know someone, or they throw lots of money around.
It seems that as people get older, they tend to forget what it was like to be living paycheck to paycheck... Not all, of course, for some of us, that joy and pain will lurk in the shadows over many a birthday. But I have never, ever heard anyone who ever worked in the foodservice industry talk about how it was crap that they got tipped so much, which is why they don't tip these days.

mingez said:
Memo to customers: because your server is "serving" you doesn't give you the right to beraid and belittle them in public.

Damn right! I never served per se in a sitdown restaurant of any kind. I did, however work at Subway Sandwiches for 2 1/2 years, give or take... Did I expect to be tipped, no. Did some people, yes. Did I expect for anybody who was having a bad day to take it out on me, no, but it happened. Sure, I had bad days. When you're the only one there most nights, meaning you have to: greet the customer, take the order, make the food, ring up the food, keep the others in line calm while waiting, keep everything stocked, have dishes piling to the ceiling in the back because you are up front waiting on people all night, then when the night is finally over, spend 3 more hours doing all the food prep for tomorrow, cleaning dining room and bathrooms, and catching up on Mt. Dishmore, break down the line, Z-out, cash drop, take out trash, and finally get home, you get stressed. But I never took it out on a customer. So why did they feel the need to stand there and scream at me if something was not happy with their sub, even if they ordered it wrong, or just having a bad day in general? Who knows...

Lets face it. People who are serving you are doing just that, performing a service, and usually something that you do not feel like doing yourself... If I go out to eat, it means that I probably do not want to cook, so the people working at the place that I am going are taking a load off my shoulders. So treat them nice, or they will moan and groan about you on message boards :twisted: .