Question about t-case fluid.


New member

I've seen previous posts about jeep recommending the wrong kind of fluid for the transmission, just wondering if that goes for the t-case as well. And what was the other kinds of fluids that people here use. Right now I use a GM synchromesh fluid in my transmission and it has helped with the gear grinding a lot.[addsig]


Redline MT90 is the other transmission fluid recommended for the AX5 and AX15, MTL for colder climates.

Jeep was correct :-O in recommending the ATF for the transfer case, I haven't seen any problems there.[addsig]

Never heard of it, I wouldn't use it knowing what I do about GL4 and 5, and knowing Redline MT90 is available, is it worth the risk? :lol: [addsig]


I got ya sorry I put this on two different ones thought I
had lost the last post and you wouldn't have seen it ....
thanks again........ :-D [addsig]