Putting on Hardtop


New member
Just wondering if anyone else has as much trouble as I do with wind noise after installing your hardtop. Seems like every winter when I put on my hardtop, I have to put it on and pull it off about 5 times before I can get rid of the wind noise at the front of the thing where it seals to the windsheild frame. I usually end up using half a roll of truck canopy tape across the front of the top and across the top of my windshield frame to get rid of the noise. I also used to get a lot of wind noise where my full hard doors close on the top but this year I welded my doors where the frame that goes around the window meets the door. The two aren't joined and I guess it's supposed to move a little but since I've welded it, it has solved the problem of wind noise...and rusting. Thats the main reason I welded it...because it can move a little, it seems to rub the paint off and rust.

Yeah, mine sounded like a tea kettle before I resealed a few spots!!!
Yeah, my hardtop always whistled too. Here's how I fixed it. First, I went and bought all new weatherstripping for the top and the doors. Then I installed the stripping and the top/doors, and I'm not taking them back off again. Problem solved! Oh, and did I mention that since I love a topless jeep, I bought another one and put a supertop on it? Best of both worlds!!! :lol:

Good, I feel better now, I thought I was the only one.
YJ Half door conversion on Fiberglass CJ

If you get a hardtop snubber it will help with that rattling (takes the slack out of the top and keeps it from wobbling back and forth)
wm69 said:
If you get a hardtop snubber it will help with that rattling (takes the slack out of the top and keeps it from wobbling back and forth)
What's a hardtop snubber? I've never heard of one. I bought clips for the front of it so it latches down instead of using all those screws. It stays down much tighter and is a lot easier to take off and put on. I'm guessing this isn't a snubber.

A snubber is a block that is shaped to sandwich between the top of the roll bar and the inside of the hard top. I think they are rubber, but I have never actually seen one. They are supposed to keep the hard top from vibrating as much.
Right, they are on ebay occasionally. First time I saw one, I thought "hell, that's pointless", but then I rode in the guys jeep and it was a hell of a lot quieter than mine was. It kinda stretches the fiberglass a little and keeps it from moving, thus making it quieter. You can check with your local stealership or scrapyard. The snubber screws into the top of the rollbar (and looks funny when the tops off).
I don't get a lot of rattling of my hardtop, just wind noise. This snubber doesn't sound too difficult to make myself if I can come up with some materials to build it. Also, it might be better to attach the snubber to the hardtop instead of the rollbar. This way, when the hardtop is removed, the snubber will go with it.

Different heater blower motor???Chevy Blazer?

Hey Craig, where do you get those hard top clips you were talking about? I am currently using the screws and they always rattle right out of the holes! Those clips would do a world of wonder for my Hardtop. I have a whisling on my drivers side door too... I just crack a window till the noise dies down... it would be nice to have it gone though. WM69 has the right idea with the weatherstripping... do you put it on the hard top too? or just the door?
I ordered the "hardtop seal kit" from JC whitney. Save your money and go to the hardware store and buy some flat rubber weather stripping for the back, and buy a seal for between the windshild frame and the top on ebay. The seal kit worked great, but after I saw what was included in the kit, I realized I could have bought the stuff elsewhere for 1/2 the $$. I did put the weatherstripping on the top (flipped it over, stuck it on and let it dry, and then installed the top). If you are constantly taking the top on and off, you will tear up your weatherstripping as it will try and stick to both the top and the body. My top got new seals, and I put in on with the intent of not taking it back off (got a roof rack on too). I also got on the cowl and sat on the top while my bro in law drilled holes for the front screws (new glass windshild frame). Maybe if you put waxed paper on the tub where the seal will sit it might keep it from sticking????
wm69 said:
Maybe if you put waxed paper on the tub where the seal will sit it might keep it from sticking????
If you go to an autoparts store, you can get truck canopy tape. There are different kinds. One kind has a sticky side, then the foam tape, then the other side has a thin layer of flexable plastic so nothing will stick to it. The thin layer plastic is good because if you use it down the sides of your hardtop, you can slide it on without ripping the tape.

I put new weatherstripping on the hard top before I replace it every winter....seems to work! I have a hard time calling this weather change "winter" since it's still 80F outside!!
Joopin\' said:
Hey Craig, where do you get those hard top clips you were talking about? I am currently using the screws and they always rattle right out of the holes! Those clips would do a world of wonder for my Hardtop. I have a whisling on my drivers side door too... I just crack a window till the noise dies down... it would be nice to have it gone though. WM69 has the right idea with the weatherstripping... do you put it on the hard top too? or just the door?
The clips I got came in a set. It included the two front clips and all the bolts that go down the rear sides of the hardtop. The bolts that go down the rear of the hardtop have a large grippy head on them so you don't need tools to tighten or loosen them. The front clips are adjustable so you can clip down the front tighter and tighter if you want. The set is very expensive for what you get. It was something like $120. (Canadian) just for the front clips and the bolts. Even so, it has made life so much easier when it comes to putting on and removing the hardtop. I got the set from a place near where I live that deals strictly in jeeps and used jeep parts. I'll take a look and see if they have a website. I think they just ordered the set from a local company that makes clips for canopies. If I can find the name of the company that makes these clips, I've been thinking about talking to them to see if they can put the kit together for me to sell on e-bay.
As for wind noise around the door, I put the weatherstripping (canopy tape) around the doors on my hardtop. I had to trim it to fit the hardtop. I think you can get similiar tape from a hardware store for sealing up house doors. I also welded my doors where the frame that goes around the window meets the door. This helped a lot.
Ok, I found their website address. I don't know if the hardtop latch set is listed in it. There should be a section that you can contact them through. These guys prices aren't the best but they have a lot used parts that are hard to come by. I'm just glad to live near them...it's come in handy.