Proud parents!!


New member
Our son was picked up by his recruiter this afternoon, about 3:45PM, and taken to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) where he will be sworn in and leave for Army Basic Training Wednesday morning.

Our daughter spent today at the MEPS being processed and will leave for Navy Recruit Training in April of 2008.

Both are proud of their American heritage and want to be good citizens by serving in the defense and protection of their country.

It appears the kids turned out pretty well despite my shortcomings as a parent.

So, let this be a warning to the rest of you ... be careful when you don't think your kids are paying attention. They are more aware than would first appear and have a better grasp of patriotism than they let on.

Our son was picked up by his recruiter this afternoon, about 3:45PM, and taken to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) where he will be sworn in and leave for Army Basic Training Wednesday morning.

Our daughter spent today at the MEPS being processed and will leave for Navy Recruit Training in April of 2008.

Both are proud of their American heritage and want to be good citizens by serving in the defense and protection of their country.

It appears the kids turned out pretty well despite my shortcomings as a parent.

So, let this be a warning to the rest of you ... be careful when you don't think your kids are paying attention. They are more aware than would first appear and have a better grasp of patriotism than they let on.

Please thank both of them for me and thank you for letting them go
Spoken like a true proud dad! Good Job. What MOS is your Son going into? I just went over twenty years in the Army June and I think back and boy has the time zipped by. Congratulations again.

Our son Willie's MOS is 25B (Information Systems Operator - Analyst). The description sounds a bit like a computer system engineer. Communications, GPS, targeting are all computer aided any more. Sure seems a far cry from range and windage, huh?

Ryann, our daughter ... yeah, I know it's a boy's name ... will be specializing in the nuclear power program used as propulsion on the Nimitz class aircraft carriers.

Congratulations! I'm also in the Army and happen to hold the 25B MOS. It is definetly one of the better jobs to have. The training is all industry standard and gives you a good start on getting some Microsoft certificates. I've been doing it for 6 years now and I learn something new every day it seems.

Too cool! Were they nervous with anticipation? I remember back a few years when I joined the US Army. It'll be fun for the both of them (eventually).

I appreciate their service to this fine nation!

Hey thats really cool, congrats to you. i hope to join the military some day! I want to do rotc then become a Jag officer. Tell them thanks and good luck!8)
Very emotional day today.

Our family took the opportunity to attend the "swearing in" ceremony at the MEPS of all recruits leaving today for basic training. There were probably 60 or more overall ... Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.

At first I thought I was just being emotional because my son was among those taking the oath, but then it hit me. I was proud of every one of those young men and women taking that oath.

If you ever feel like you need a boost, or that the US is loosing its commitment to doing the right thing, spend a day at the MEPS and see America's future at it's best.

DAMN I'm proud to be an American!!

Very emotional day today.

Our family took the opportunity to attend the "swearing in" ceremony at the MEPS of all recruits leaving today for basic training. There were probably 60 or more overall ... Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.

At first I thought I was just being emotional because my son was among those taking the oath, but then it hit me. I was proud of every one of those young men and women taking that oath.

If you ever feel like you need a boost, or that the US is loosing its commitment to doing the right thing, spend a day at the MEPS and see America's future at it's best.

DAMN I'm proud to be an American!!


Never been to a swearing-in ceremony, but I went to see my son graduate from Navy boot camp, and yeah, I know what you mean about it being emotional. This was a few years before 9/11, so the imminent fear of going to war wasn't at the forefront of everyone's thoughts, but it still lingered in the air. Hell, I was so damn proud of all those young men and women, I started crying when the honor guard walked in, and didn't stop till we were in the car half way back to the hotel.

On a side note, and take this however you want, I read yesterday that the percentage of African-Americans signing up for the Armed Services has dropped pretty drastically since we went to war in Iraq. :?| That's all I'm gonna say about it.

Just one more post then I'll close this out ...

Finally a Jeeper: Didn't mean to ignore you. ROTC is a good way to go. While I was in college alot of my frat brothers were AFROTC. It is also my understanding that while on active duty the "officer" beds are are comforable than "enlisted" beds. I have no confirmation on that. ;-)

Sparky-Watts: Yeah, mom and dad will DEFINITELY fly-in to be at both graduations!! More emotional times I am sure.
