Every person has the right to leave a job for any reason, but the circumstances of the separation will determine whether or not you will receive unemployment insurance benefits. Job separations from base period employers, as well as your last job separation, will be considered. A customer service representative will take your statement regarding the reason you are no longer employed for each of your employers. We will also contact each employer to obtain a statement on the reason for the separation. We will review both statements and issue a letter called a Form UIB-6, Notice of Decision, which advises you of your entitlement to unemployment insurance benefits from that employer.
Full Award: Generally, if you are out of work through no fault of your own, such as laid off due to lack of work, you are entitled to unemployment insurance benefits. If you were laid off due to lack of work, you may not receive a Form UIB-6.
Disqualification: If you are determined to be responsible for being unemployed, a disqualification may be imposed. Your unemployment insurance benefits may be postponed and/or reduced.
If you file an appeal, you must continue to file for payments via CUBLine in order to receive any retroactive unemployment insurance benefits should your appeal be successful.
Don't make me rub it in!TerryMason said:Right Craig....Next your gonna tell us you dont' pay for health care!
TwistedCopper said:As for unemployment, that is supposed to be for people who are laid off or who are unemployed through no fault of their own. You are planning on leaving no matter what, right? Don't abuse it or you will be part of a huge problem in our country. If you can live with that then go ahead, but I think it's wrong. To me it is no different than lying to receive welfare or disability benefits.
antsinmypants said:okies i dont know if its the same down there as it is up here. but if you give them your 2 weeks notice and they discide to send you home imediatly then they still own you the 2 weeks. they are not allowed to do that. my daddy told me so.. and it happened to my friend and she got her full 2 weeks pay without having to work![]()
Special_K said:Permanently walking out on an employer is strangely liberating. Have fun.
For someone who doesn't want to jump in to an arguement, you sure don't act like it :roll: That post was ridiculous.Sparky-Watts said:I don't want to start an argument, but I fully disagree with this. Unemployment is set up to help people through the transition from one job to another, whether it is voluntary or involuntary, and also to aid people in getting a better education in order to get a better job. You pay for your unemployment insurance through your social security taxes, so you are not abusing the system by collecting it. Ian is leaving his job to get an education, and that is exactly what unemployment insurance is set up for, among other things. How can you equate what he is doing to lying? You should be ashamed of yourself. Actually, you should educate yourself on the subject a bit more before trying to label him as a thief. You crossed the line there, my friend.:evil:
They pay into it and it does not come from our social security benefitsIn the majority of States, benefit funding is based solely on a tax imposed on employers.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If your reason for separation from your last job is due to some reason other than a "lack of work" - a determination will be made about whether you are eligible for benefits.[/FONT]
No fault of your own eliminates those who leave their employer voluntarily, at least that's the case in the State of Maryland, as I would suspect it is the case in the vast majority of the States.You must be determined to be unemployed through no fault of your own (determined under State law), and meet other eligibility requirments of State law.
Sparky-Watts said:I don't consider you a friend anymore.
TwistedCopper said:Are we twelve?