Post count

I don't think it matters a whole lot, but I do like the idea of who's on alot and what type of posting they do...I do like that when I knew if people were new or not and how to address them...on what level..but to each there own....If it doesn't matter keep them or do away with them.......I like them to an extent....just my $.02 :)

Allthough I'm ( :?: old) I am a virgin to jeeps, and you'all should
know. So when I'm asking questions I wont look so dumb.
The veterans here have alot of knowledge, but the newbies do as well. # of posts does not have anything to do with knowledge, and I don't think anybody here thinks that it does.
The one thing that counts, is that we are all here together for the sme reasons.

We give advice when we feel that our opinions are valid, and that the knowlege is correct.

We ask advice when we (and we ALL) stumble upon something we don't know, or do not understand.

We are gathering for the comradery of fellow off-roaders (not limited to Jeeps any more, thank you Graewulf and Ranger4x4).

We try to learn the proper way to enjoy the hobby we have come to love.

We love (in a platonic way)those who enjoy the hobby with us.

Post count has nothing to do with any of these things, and I think bickering between brothers about something like this is boarderline acting childish.

Tug, I love you man. You're my brother, and closer to me than most family members. We share alot of the same ideas and opinions, but I think you and Bounty need to sit down and have a chat.

Bounty, I hardly know you, and think some of your ideas are coming from a far way off. However, your a fellow Jeeper, and havn't steered me wrong. I might not understand where your coming from, but if I did, then I'd not be working my a$$ off in the heat everyday. I think you need to chat with Tug and figure out what's going wrong and try to walk away shaking hands. Not everyone speaks the same language as you (not literaly), and maybe your hearing things that aren't there.

I respect you both, and want nothing but good things for this board, and since we're off to a new format, let's start off on a new foot.

Just my 2 cents...

Rob 8) :p :)
I have no hard feeling and have no problem with anyone on this board. I have my way of seeing things and this was one of them I only gave what was ask for an opinion! My wife always says (about me) "If you don't want to know what Danno thinks, don't ask". I was not makeing an attack just a statement. Again I have nothing but respect for Bounty Hunter. He is a very knowledgeable memeber here and he has never lead me a stray on any subject. However this is a public board and we will not always agree. This would be a big ol boreing world if we all did. Again No hard feelings to anyone. Peace out Tug

I don't think anyone here is attacking anyone... I believe (and I hope I believe the truth) that all of us here respect each other's words... I really didn't see anything wrong with what anyone here said... I feel that if someone has something to say, then it should be said... Otherwise, we are left in the dark from what we all feel. If two people don't agree on something, or even if they do agree, but in different ways... that doesn't make anyone enemies, it simply makes them unique from each other, which in my opinion is a good thing. If we all thought the same, and knew the same stuff, and saw things in the same ways, there would be no purpose for this board, we would have nothing to talk about. We all have 3 things in common: We were all born from a human, as a human... We will all die and become part of the earth.. and we all love jeeps... and that is the extent of our guaranteed similarities. I don't, nor can anyone, have any say in what anyone else thinks, whether we agree or not... and i'm glad we dont' all see things the same way... and I am also glad that we, as members, can all be brothers/sisters and do this all with acceptance of each other
No hard feelings here. Again, I just threw this out for discussion, not meant to put anybody down or to imply anything. I asked for input and got it.

I've got no control over whether the post count stays or goes, or over any other forum design option, just garnering opinions for my own benefit. :D
Skyjacker Front Adjustable Track Bar TJ

Share in the knowledge! If i perform a mod on my vehicle and have a experience with it, or I have read about it, or I have a friend that has done something that pertains to a question posted, I will answer and give the most honest possible answer!
Just because someone else disagree's or has had differing out comes should not make anything I say wrong, and sure as hell is not to add to my postings.

Too all that have issues with posting numbers, here is what ya do!
Every week, change your ID name, your posting # will always go back to zero.

I am not getting all over anyone and I respect everyones opinion, hell man I love this place. Can't we all get along!

Johnny :lol:

I think everybody is getting along. I'm close to deleting this thread, as it seems to be taken out of context somehow.
I don't think there is a reason to delete it... everyone is getting along, simply sharing different opinions

Delete what, This is a good thought inspired post. There is no hard feelings just different ways of seeing things. And even then we all seem to agree that the orginal post is does the post count matter. We all seem to say not really. So let it stand as have so many other post that were not all warm and fuzzy. It's a good thing when strong willed and minded folks agree to not agree! hehehehe! Two sides of a coin make a good thing to carry in your pocket. tug
Delete it?!?! NO this is the first time some of the great minds on the board have had a meaningful dicussion and some here have diffrent opinions. There has been no mud flinging and everyone has crossed verbal swords in a gentelmenly way. Great thought's are never a smooth street but a very bumpy 4.5+ trail that takes everyones opinion to point out the right line.
Now my 2cents worth...
The "rag's" article mainly the one I saw in JP did have some valid points and some I disagree with. Just because you ask a question on some board and the "godly 4x4 king oh mighty with 10 zillion posts" replys and god forbid its it right to take that advise as gospil? There hasnt been a single thread that there hasnt been aleast two or more replys to since I found this board and saw that those here do know there true locker from a soft locker.
I know I dont have 10 zillion posts and have god oh mighty 4x4 king below my name and to be truthful I dont care for the title or post counts.
Those that I post to are things that i personaly know of and willing to pass that information along.
If I or any one here is wrong just politly say "that might be but it could also be" or some thing else dont starting throwing mud and personal insults, this is a discussion board. Discussion??? Look it up if you need the
Been wondering what a few things are on da Jeep

How come my post count went back down to 3?!?! I was up to about 130....... I didnt change my user name or anything.......

terry has to put them in by hand, member by member... hasn't got around yet