Possible problem


New member
I think I my clutch might be going out so I thought I would ask the many people in jeepz land....

Whenever I change gears with the clutch fully engaged it grinds just a little. Also sometimes it dont like going into 1st gear, kinda stubborn. I was thinking that the clutch is not fully enagaged which would cause the grinding.

Anybody have this problem? How did you fix it? And how much is this gonna cost? Thanks for any advice you guys can give me....

I had a slave cylinder do that way to me once, but it could also be syncros or linkage adjustment.:shock: For cheapest, start with fluid level in slave cyl.:???:
My money is on deteriorating synchronizers in the transmission. Have you changed the fluid in the transmission recently? The AX5 and AX15 found in the '94 is notorious for having the wrong fluid which wears the syncros quickly.

Chrysler incorrectly installed and recommended (in service manuals and owners manuals) a GL5 gear oil for these transmissions. Most GL5's have a high sulfer content which is extremely corrosive to the soft brass synchronizers.

If you want to improve shifting and make your transmission last as long as possible, order some Redline MT90. I get mine from Summit Racing. It's a specially formulated synthetic that is easy on the syncros, and gives smooth shifting even in cold weather.

When you drain the transmission fluid, inspect it for a brass colored glitter. That's your synchronizers.

i would definately say the syncro's. i had that problem when i bought my YJ and i just bought a brand new one and solved the issue. however if you are going to replace the syncro's or the transmission, then do a clutch kit and throwout bearing while you are there!
ok cool...where do I buy the syncronizers? I saw a Sachs clutch kit for $150...without the flywheel and some other stuff.