pointing a pinion


New member
can anybody tell me where to point the pinion on my 9incher when using a cv in the driveshaft? should it be pointed just under the yoke of the t-case? i am pretty sure that if i wasnt using a cv it would be point striaght at the yoke of the t-case...i think...

Straight at the transfer case output when using a CV driveshaft, parallel with the transfer case output when using a non-CV driveshaft.
it may be beneficial to point it about 3-5 degrees below "straight toward" the output due to wrap
Snitty, I considered that too, but what about axlewrap when running in reverse? Like trying to climb something in reverse, or getting unstuck. I would think that would bind the lower ujoint. Whaddya think?

you should point it at the transfer case but a few degrees lower,

that IS an issue, the reverse binding.. though, most driving is done in forward, and when accelerating and even maintaining a speed, there is torque on the axle and the pinion will be rotated upward.... it is completely safe to point it straight.. if it rotates either way, it is only a few degrees, and that is what a universal joint is for, to allow that... and with a 4" lift, the springs should be tough enough to preven that wrap anyway