PLEASE Spank them KIDS

Was given my oldest son Will "now in the Air Force, grad from high school with honors never been in any trouble" a good whooping over something he knew better than to do. Say the 3rd grade or so. After the cry was about over he looked at me and said my teacher said if you ever hurt me to call 911 and they will put you in jail!!!! Oh my what do you then, how do you act?

Go get the phone hand it to em and tell em, If you feel I was unfair here it is just dial 911 and tell the person who answers to come get me. How ever if you feel you deserved the spanking you got and know what you did was wrong then if I were you I would reconsider maken the call cause I will not be here to take care of you, I will be in Jail. Do what you must!!

A few years later in life I came up with an even better ways to punish him. I had him to spank me for something stupid he did. I told him it could not hurt near as much to have my butt beat as it did to know what he did, with him knowing better. I had to force him to hit me, I was not the one with the tears that time. For me to take the punishment for his act at his hand made a big impact. pardon the pun! Raisen good kids only requires you to love and spend time with them. Know what they are doing and being a force in their lives. I know and listen to the music they like and what food they don't like. I pal around with their friends and know what size shoe they both wear. If you can just get to know the kids they have no choice but to know you in return. There are so many familys that just have no idea who each other is. Thus we have the above problems.

One other word My kids are not saints, heck fire they aint even above average as far as kids in this area go. They get on my nerves and I could kill em from time to time but we know each other and love each other and get along. That is all you can do. tug

I think some adults need spankings too. When they are naughty....
I remember when i was in kindergarden, I learned what the middle finger was, but not what it meant. We were driving done the Jersey Turnpike, when i looked out the back window to see a State Trooper driving behind us. The nice Trooper looked at me and waived, so i kiindly returned the middle finger. Next thing i know his lights came on and he pulled my father over. The fear of immediate death was upon me, as I knew when my father heard what i just did he would surely remove his black leather belt, and my life would end with a beating. The Trooper walked up to my dads windows and said "sir, if that were my son, I's whoop his behind for acting like that." My father looked back at me with that look(which was previously mentioned on this topic) times 10 and asked what i did. I tried to hide myself undrneath the front seat and disappear, but i couldn't get anything my legs under there. When the Trooper told him what i did, my dad opened the car door, tipped the seat forward and told me to get out. I refused because i knew what was going to happen, but that made him more angry. When i saw the redness of his face, and the veins on his forehead throbbing, i decided that the beating would be less if i just got out and got it over with. I was wrong, and should have gotten out right away. I swear that was a beating of a lifetime, then we got home and i got a second one from my mother because i guess she felt left out. Well to freak me out a little bit, my mother got called into work, but they told me the police locked her up because i was bad. I have never used the middle finger ever since that day, at least in that manner. me!!!

Mingez Wrote
I think some adults need spankings too. When they are naughty....
:shock: :shock: :shock: LOL Mingez!!!

TUG! I'm much younger than you but my parents were of your parents beliefs too. My mom and dad had a weeping willow in our yard, I remember when they planted it they told me it would make great switches one day. Long ones too.

Darned if they weren't right. They'd make me go get one myself too! LOL I did the same running around the yard in circles trying to wear them out before they got ahold of me.

One time or Two :oops: my mom made me and my brother get OUT of the car and left us on the side of the road when we were bad in the backseat. AT least one time, we walked home alone (rural area) lol Many car rides home also led to a mouth of soap upon reaching home.

Imagine any of that these days. Not that I agree with all of those ways, but they were effective I guess!
