Please Pray for yet another


New member
My friend (not too close but an ex of my brothers) has been going through cemo (sp?) treatments for the last 2 months, she is 20 years old and has brain cancer. I recived a phone call from her yesterday stating the treatments are not working, she has 3-4 months to live, Her only request is to see my brother before she dies (they had a rough relationship that ended badly 1 1/2 years ago) She has a choice to have another surgery that could give her an extra 1-2 months or possible die while in surgey.....

Though she was not always the best person in my eyes, we were good friends at one point. I would never wish this on anyone let alone a young woman that hasnt even lived yet.

Im asking for you to pray for her and her family to be strong and to make the best of whats to come, but also for me to find the right words to say to her, to comfort her, and to let her know Im still here for her. She will be on her way home tomorrow, with her parents is where she wants to be. God works in very mysterious ways, but Whatever his dession the way its got to be....

Thank you all

I'm sooo sorry for your friend. OMG too young to have to go thru that.

Cristine, don't worry, whatever words you say will be the right ones. You can't plan a response for what to say. I've been in too many situations where it's awkward to speak of the long as the words are from a place of genuine love, which they will be, you'll be fine.

She and you will be in my thoughts.
Thanks guys I knew I could count you. I just spoke to my brother who refuses to believe its the truth (there wasnt much honesty in the relationship) I think he is just doesnt want to know the truth, and in a way I can't blame him, he doesnt need to be in this situation right now in his life, hes been through alot and is just getting things back on track. He will come around when he is ready. I know it sounds cruel but yet again god works in mysterious ways,, it might be better this way...........I don't know, I guess Im just blown away by the whole situation. Sorry for the babbling, thanks again.


I am so sorry to read this tonight. That is horrible and like the others said its a very hard situation. My ex mother in law is also terminally ill with mestastic breast cancer right now and has just entered a four month experimental research treatment phase to try to stop it from spreading in her liver. Her familiy doubts she will even make the four months treatment.

I struggle with the same feelings of a once good relationship gone bad. I don't know how to approach it either but I am thinking about it alot lately. It's a tough time when someone is suffering so much and here the rest of us are feeling guilty and shamed by it. We all care.

I'm sure with some prayer and friendship, you'll get through this and work out your feelings and thoughts with her. I hope the same for your brother. I wish your friend peace and love and will continue to pray for her and her loved ones. If you need to talk more, you know were here for you.

That's horrible news. I feel terrible for that poor girl and I'm sorry your family has to deal with it too. It's not easy at all to have a conversation with a terminally ill person, but it's even harder for them and they need the distraction that anothers voice can provide. She is actually a little lucky, alot of people die right about the time they are diagnosed.
I don't want to make you mad, but you need to kick your brother right square in his azz and drag him to that girls house. He has the rest of his life to get his feelings straight, the rest of her life is happening in the next couple of months and it's not fair for her to have to spend it waiting on him. Whatever happened, he needs to be a man and just swallow it, then go be there for the women that he once probably loved.

I know ecactly how you feel. It is just heartbreaking. My baby sister was diagnosed with cancer when she was only two years old. She made it through though. Got your friend on my prayer list. God bless.
Junkpile: I am not mad by what you had to say, you know how it is with siblings, you ALWAYS take their side no matter what. Deep down inside I do feel the same way but I dont think I need to get in the middle of it. I told him whatever his dission, I wouldnt hold it against him. I also feel for his current girlfriend, she acts as though she is strong and willing to work though this, but I know it has to be tough on her also.

Thanks again everyone...........