Plane crashes into IRS building in Austin TX


Staff member
I just saw this on the news and thought I'd post here. It looks like a guy with an axe to grind against the IRS has crashed his plane into an IRS building.

Other than the religious rant, the guy makes more than little sense. The laws are made by the few, to control the many.
If you have the guts, make two lists (try to be objective). One list is, what has the government done for me. The next list is, what has the government done to me (and what has it cost me). What is the line from that movie, "everything is illegal in Massachusetts".
Government pulls some really dirty tricks and hides those responsible in "the process". Nobody is accountable but you.
I'm really surprised there aren't as many IED's going of in the U.S. as in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The only way to win, playing somebody else's game by their rules, is not to play. Ignore them as much as possible and play by your own rules.
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I can understand being ticked off at the system, but flying into a building to kill accountants isn't going to change anything.

From what I read, he set his house on fire in the morning. Not only did he destroy a building, but now his wife and daughter are homeless.
I can understand being ticked off at the system, but flying into a building to kill accountants isn't going to change anything.

From what I read, he set his house on fire in the morning. Not only did he destroy a building, but now his wife and daughter are homeless.
Bad stuff, not that I concur with his methods, but I can understand being frustrated to the point of Kamikaze.
You know, I have been around quite a while. In fact, I've been around as long as my 3B has. I have never seen, not even the 60's, a time of such anger, hatred, and discontent towards our government as I do now. I am not happy with our government either, I have been screwed over by banks and an auto manufacturer and stopped doing buisness with them and along comes our government with OUR money and bails the mutha's out when we finally get them on the ropes. Then they turn around laugh in our faces and screw us over again. All this spending at our expence, the take take and no give has got us ALL P.O.'d, but I'll be DAMNED if I am gonna fly an airplane into a building about it!!! Those people inside, or that COULD have been inside, are just going into work like we all do or did. I just hope that those idiots in Washington DC wake up before rioting breaks out across our cities.

How do we know that Obama and Biden didn't plant explosives in the building in order to justify more national security? A small plane can't cause that much damage. There's not even any evidence of a plane.
2/18 Truther [/sarcasm]

(I know I'm pretty new here and y'all aren't used to my incredibly warped sense of humor yet.)
and didn't it say he only owed something like 11k? i payed back 35k and haven't ran anything into any irs buildings.
and didn't it say he only owed something like 11k? i payed back 35k and haven't ran anything into any irs buildings.
Remember that Grand Mother that got tazered for mouthing off at a poLICE officer (lice, bloodsucking parasites)? She got a $45,000 settlement. Maybe $35K of it was your 35K. If you thought she deserved it and you are willing to subsidize it, great for you.

Maybe he just got fed up with it all and decided Kamikaze was his only option. Wouldn't be my option, but in a twisted sort of way I can empathize.
I really don't see any difference between a band of thugs and the IRS. Both demand your money, both will screw up your livelihood if you don't comply. What is the actual difference between an enforcer in uniform and a mafia enforcer? A local mafia Don and an IRS department head?
What's the actual difference between a legal and illegal shake down? Very little actual difference between institutional extortion and criminal extortion. Basically one group has written into law their type of extortion is legal and everybody else's isn't.
Basically people are programed to react in three ways, run, hide or fight. The hide concept can also include the freeze reaction or compliance in Police terms.
In the real world, running or fighting are likely the first choices, compliance has to be learned to be a primary instinctive response (Darwinian principles have likely seen to that). Man hasn't been civilized all that long, sometimes the process just doesn't take. People have different "squeeze them until the pop" thresholds.
History tells us when 20-25% of the population reach the popping point and unit in common cause, the establishment unravels.
While a isolated incident, his actions can be an indicator of a trend.
Government mostly exists for it's own selfish ends. They don't really give a darn how many people they tax into insolvency. Taxpayers and regular citizens are a consumable resource.
Ask yourself a serious question, if you ran into a serious or semi-serious situation, what would be the likely cause? Terrorism, government, crime or accident? Accident would likely top my list, I avoid government and high crime areas about equally, terrorism would be last.
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And much of the mainstream media blamed the incident on the "Tea Party" movement.

Nobody has the right or excuse to kill, or attempt to kill innocent people. This guy was a whack job who couldn't manage his own life, so he decided to end it and take innocent folks with him...all by himself.

The Tea Party movement is trying to get rid of the garbage in the government...but you don't see them marching on Washington with AK-47's. They are using their Constitutional rights to speak out peacefully and within the law...regardless whether you agree with them or not.

This nut case didn't represent any group. He obviously didn't care a wit about his own wife and child...and took the cowardly, selfish and evil way out.

I am only sorry for his family and the innocent people he hurt.

The "manifesto" of the nutcase who crashed the plane seemed to be all over the place, the best category I can put him in is left-wing anarchist.
What we saw was knee-jerk reaction of the main stream liberal media assuming that because he didn't like the IRS then he must be a tea bagger. When upon closer examination his rantings appeared to be more leftist than anything else, the issue disappeared from the news real quick.
Simple fact is, I think he was just a paranoid nutjob without a particular philosophy.
The "manifesto" of the nutcase who crashed the plane seemed to be all over the place, the best category I can put him in is left-wing anarchist.
What we saw was knee-jerk reaction of the main stream liberal media assuming that because he didn't like the IRS then he must be a tea bagger. When upon closer examination his rantings appeared to be more leftist than anything else, the issue disappeared from the news real quick.
Simple fact is, I think he was just a paranoid nutjob without a particular philosophy.

I'd say his main problem may have been immaturity. Are you paranoid if something is actually out to get you? The guy may have not been a joiner, if his philosophy jumped all over the place, it may be because he picked his issues individually.
I'm surprised it ever made it into the news, guess it was too big to bury.
The trouble with what he did, was the people he killed may have been the only good ones in the whole building. About the same as dropping a five hundred pound bomb on suspected terrorists, do you ever really know if you've killed a friend, a foe or somebody totally innocent?