Parting out 92 Wrangler

yes I did, that will be fine I will hold the top for you.
Put the two front pieces into a box, send them that way, the big piece, just put a tag on it and send it! they are for my friend and he will most likely kylon them
Boston: I would guess shipping would be around five bucks or so. I'm going to try and pick up everything that is wanted by people on sunday, I'm very busy with school and going out of town this weekend so it might not me until next week. Jps let me find out about shipping the roll bar and get back to you on that. Any one who wants the hard doors can e-mail me and we can discuss those threw e-mail.
what type of windows do you have?? i'm looking for rounded corners to fit a hard top.

let me know, what kind of console do you have?

Joopin, did you want the whole thing or just one part, I'll ck sorry for the delay but school just started and the top is about and 1hr outside of town, I haven't had any time to go out there yet sorry.
No sweat man, I understand. I'm looking for the male part of the drivers side seatbelt which includes: male latch, belt, ancor above shoulder, and the spring loaded "belt retrator" that is bolted towards the floor.
If you have this in black or dark gray (and it works, no tears in belt) let me know how much you want for it. I already have a torn one. Thanks dude.

Jps, Boston, Joopin, I have all the things you asked for. E-mail me so we can finish things up this post is getting way to big.
Thanks Evan
Do you still have the female part to the drivers side seat belt? If so, how much and how much for shipping?