Paint on my 2000 TJ


Active member

pull them off, take them to a body shop, they can paint them "right", or you can have them powdercoated or whatever...[addsig]


I've had the same problem, if you find a good fix let me know. The paint on my driver side mirror bracket has flaked off and looks terrible. I thought about pulling out the ever faithfull can of Krylon but thought that it might look cheesy. :lol: [addsig]

Another option besides painting them over again would be to get the stainless steel replacement hinges. [addsig]

It is not paint on the mirrors and hinges. It is a method of coating similar to powder coating, yet uses a vynal-plastic substrate and hardner, but I for get the name. If you look at the mirror, there will most likly be a white residue, That is a (and I use this word loosly) Discharge from the type of alloy thats used, water, and the coating process, it bubbles up and cracks the paint. I went to my dealership and b*tched about this, not cover under warranty, and thats when this was explained to me.

You can strip the mirror and re-paint, powdercoat, but will just reappear over time.


edited by: jps4jeep, May 14, 2003 - 03:41 AM[addsig]


I've sandblasted and painted my mirror brackets twice. The first time the paint still flaked off. I just re-did them about two weeks ago and so-far-so-good. Only time will tell![addsig]

Wow, I have the same problem on my 98 TJ. I just associated it with all the other misfortune ive had with it. Im not sure if it would be considered the bracket or not, but where the actual mirror pivots (kinda on the corner of where it connects to the door and the mirror itself) has flaked off. This was perhaps the weirdest thing ive ever seen. It almost looks like concret underneath. Im considering just buying a new mirror set. [addsig]

Me too...Both the top hinges and the mirrors. was wondering if I should dip them in Rhino liner lol

Rob :lol: :p :cool: :) [addsig]