OT: party gone wrong.

Ok here's the deal. What has come of the world when people have no reguard to their safety and others? I'm only 23, but the negative statements have gotten under my skin. Some may think that at 23 I'd still be all for getting away with things. I'm not saying I haven't gotten away with stuff, nor am I bragging that I have, it doesn't matter. You will get caught one time or another. I'd say I'm pretty level headed for my age. As for the letting my kids drink at the house, I was up for that. Before the wife and I got married, we were talking and said, sure, we'll be the cool parents and let them drink. But you can only inforce things so much. Just wait until they go out on their own and say that they won't be drinking or doing drugs, whatever it may be. You have no idea, that's where responsible parenting takes it's place. You can only do so much for doing your part and hope that it sticks with them. No matter what happens the parent will always be responsible for their children, up until the point where they can be held accountable for their actions. As for being pulled over for "no reason" and getting pissy over it, get over it and grow up. I've been pulled over several times and probably should have been hauled off for stupid stuff like drinking and driving. You will get caught, I did and paid for it. I can still go out to my truck and see the truck covered in scratches where I fell asleep at 80. I ended up going through a barbed wire fence, narrowly missing a head on collision with an off duty police chief. That night I spent in the tank, not a fun place to be. As for weed or any drug for that matter, my parents were there for me to teach me wrong from right so that when I went out I'd make good decisions. Where I went wrong was with the drinking and driving. I was playing with borrowed time before I got caught. I can only hope that the ones that think they are 10 foot tall and bullet proof, wake up and smell the roses. You can only take things so far until it gets you into a world of hurt. I'm not pointing fingers, preaching, just ranting, like some already have. It just bothers me hearing/seeing the youth of the world being so arrogant with what they think is right from wrong and what they think they can get away with. I've been away from the site for a while, now I come back to this. Jeepz is a place for all of us to come together and share our knowledge. It's just sad to see that some of us think that they are above the law in some way or another and are bragging about it. I'm sorry to hear that you dad got taken in for the party, that sucks. I hope that things work out for him. I also hope that for the ones that need it, these words don't go in one ear and out the other. I don't want to seem like a huge arse that likes to get on his soap box, but come on if you think that you can play and not have to pay when you get caught, then I can rant. Sorry for the novel, but that's how I feel........Mikey
Sorry folks soapbox time for me. I had (yes had) a beautiful 18 year old niece up until June 2, 2004. She was more like a daughter to me as she was in the family before I had any of my own kids. She and another young lady who had been living at my house as a foster kid for about 15 months had both just graduated. The foster had moved out from my house Saturday before the accident that killed them both in a one car wrapped around the telephone pole tragedy. Both had been drinking heavily prior to leaving for a drive about 4am. I got the call from my brother-in-law about 2 minutes before I was walking out the door for work. You know that slug in the guts feeling? Long story short, many kids had a "mortality check". My request, if you are going to drink, don't drive as it may be someone else's kids or a kids mom or dad you take out. End of soapbox.