One piece axels


New member
I've got the AMC model 20 rear in my Jeep. From what I've read and been told they're pretty weak. When I got the Jeep the guy threw in a set of one piece rear axels. Will the one piece axels make the rear strong enough for mild wheelin' behind a stock 304 with headers and a 4bbl.

I'm running an AMC 360 with a 4bbl edelbrock carb intake and cams rolling on a set of 35X 14.5-15's with a stock Model 20 rear axle. For the past 10 years of wheeling and a DD, the only thing I had done to it is replace the axle seal on the rear passenger side and service it. Although. I have plans of trussing it , 1 piece axles , regear and lockers.
The Model 20 is actually a pretty stout axle with some major draw backs.

Replace the shafts with quality 1 piece shafts, preferable chromoly material, when you lock the axle, if you use a lunch box locker, get a harden cross pin, I've seen a number of cj cross pins shear. with just those mods, I'd run up to a 36" tire with out too much worries.
The Model 20 is actually a pretty stout axle with some major draw backs.

Replace the shafts with quality 1 piece shafts, preferable chromoly material, when you lock the axle, if you use a lunch box locker, get a harden cross pin, I've seen a number of cj cross pins shear. with just those mods, I'd run up to a 36" tire with out too much worries.
I don't know anything about these axels, they may be el cheapos. I'm gonna run 31x10-50's and no lift. Theres been some question about this Jeep as in if it's lifted or not. I say it's not, a couple of friends have looked at it and they think it has. If it has they've put re arched springs in it and it's minimal. I think it just looks that way because of the street tires. It may be spring before I swap the axels, just getting my game plan together. Thanks for the info, and now back to the underside of "Project Dirt Clod".

I seem to recall an article that mention between the Corporate 20 and Dana 44, the Corporate 20 was a heavier axle shaft but it's downfall was the two piece design. Pity they engineered it that way, must've been the same group that developed 'split rims' :rolleyes: on trucks.
Speaking of split rims, was watching IRT Deadliest roads the other day and the driver from Alabama mentioned that these weren't even legal in the states. Hmmmm, I recall my time in the Marines, all our M50 series trucks were all split rim. After seeing a tire cage - post ring failure [Bent all to hell], each time my turn came to work in the tire shack, I paid $50 to LCpl Mcagoon (we all had goofy nicknames then, mine was Guppy, how they got that from Gustafsson, I dunno) to take my turn.

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