On a lighter note


New member

Well,my friend blair has got this beater nissan pathfinder 4x4.It has got like 3 weeks worth of mud on it.And every time I look to see if its clean,its not.Maybe Ill post a pic. Later :wink: Sully[addsig]


lol. that rig must weigh an extra 300 pounds...and drive like a sherman tank. i konw my yj does when the skidplate gets packed with thick mud.[addsig]

I like leaving my jeep muddy. It looks cooler and it's cheaper. I haven't washed mine in almost 4 months.


P-Bob, help me out please kind sir.

How do you keep the Chicago Road Salt
from causing rust.?

Since it's been on the Rig for so long.

Did you coat your Rig with a liner?

Mud is SOoooooooo COOOLLLLLL!

Flying in the air.


Leave it on too long, you might fall
apart going over a speed bump at the market.
or worse, in the deepest part of the ravine.

Bob, just please teach us how you keep it going.
or is their a potential for damage by not maintaining
your Rig?



here in NY, we've got a BIG salt problem. the best way to keep it from causing rust is to not let it stay on there long enough. its unfortunate, but its the only thing short of covering it all with gobs of other stuff.... next winter, my rhino-liner will be helping me out[addsig]

I like to play hard get muddy go home clean it up as good as possible and then use it for the real life stuff then go out play hard get muddy you get the picture. I think any tool or toy deserves to be well maintained. Mud is dirt and causes problems if not seen to. I do love to drive around the local and be covered in thick mudd but at the end of the day keep all your moving parts clean and well maintained. That's my 2 cents. Tug[addsig]

I'm with Tug on this one. I for one love to get muddy and as I live in a VERY remote part of alaska, Mind you there is one car wash in town, and they are busy as all get out. But there again I do have the ability to wash it at home but not durning the winter months. But a good once a week run through the wash bay keeps her looking good... 8-) [addsig]


so..... your saying that mud washes off ?[addsig]