Old CB


New member
I have a old CB that was given to me. Its not digital or anything. Were talkin old. The antena for it is a magnet with a fixed retractable antena. Is this thing worth hookin up to my YJ? i dont mind the old main part that bad. Are the antenasuniversal? meaning could i get a new one that flexes and hook it up to my CB?

The CB is

SEIKI Electronics
model HA-23C

if it still works, it is worth trying out. CB antennas are universal, just make sure you tune the antenna if you want to get any real range out of the antenna.
How would one go about tuning the antenna? I probably wont worry with this antenna however when i get a new one id like it to be in the best shape and performance that i can.

I went ahead and installed it. Im runnin power wires now ill post some pics after while.
Heres a pic of it installed. However it all seems to work. The signal gauge doesnt move. Is this because of pic 2? I dont know where else to put it at.



Try putting the antenna on the cowl in front of the windshield.

You tune an antenna with a SWR meter, and trimming the whip or turning an adjustment screw.

My Gramma gave me an old CB a couple years ago. I never got around to using it because it was approximately the size of a briefcase and I couldn't figure out a good place to stow it :lol:
WickedYJ said:
Where would one get a SWR meter?

Any Radio Shack or truck stop should have SWR meters. Picked mine up several years ago at Radio Shack, but I see them all over now at truck stops where CB's and accessories are sold.
When you purchase your antena and SWR meter go to THIS site and read up on how to tune it.
Since the band width is high at both ends I find the best tuning done on channle 20.

Ahhh a subject I am really up on. Get a 14.00 Frances fiberglass antenna from your local truck stop or even order it on line. Get a 18 piece of coax cable just roll up the excess and stuff it some place on the jeep if there is any extra and I will personaly promis your swr setting will be 1.0 to 1.5 witch is near perfect.

I have gotten way into this CB as I depend on it so much to make my living. Just bought a Connex 4300 HP with a Road King Mic and a Monkey Made (Clone) Antenna for my truck. This is a 10 meter radio, 80 watts and talks real loud and but I have a war pension tied up in all that garb.

The Frances stick comes in Black White or Orange. Get a good mount and ground it to the frame and you will never ever have a problem and if some jerk steals it or you break it off in the woods no biggie just 14.00 buck.

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thanks guys. I got the jeep in the open and now when i try to talk the signal goes to good but lol nobodys talkin back. Thats why i was wonderin if there is a built in speaker.

By the way, what is PA??
PA public address. Should be to female jacks on the back of the radio. one PA the Other EX SPK this is for an external pseaker! Yea there should be an internal speaker but that is not to say it is in there. Radio tec can look at it but there is one working and ready to go on EBay right now for 15. bucks!! tug

WickedYJ said:
thanks guys. I got the jeep in the open and now when i try to talk the signal goes to good but lol nobodys talkin back. Thats why i was wonderin if there is a built in speaker.

By the way, what is PA??

i hope pic #2 isnt the whole antenna..... you want at least a 36" whip for any kind of distance at all....
After talking to a friend here locally, i found out that he had a CB that he didnt use anymore. So, i have a new to me digital CB, new to me firestick antenna (also came from him) thats all hooked up and the antenna is on the tire carrier. It works pretty good. I got a skip from a guy in maine. locally i have gotten about 2-3miles away. The antenna seems to be a cut to tune type. I plan on getting a new one fairly soon.

WickedYJ said:
I got a skip from a guy in maine.

Out of all my travels, Kansas seems to be about the best place to talk skip. Here and Northern Oklahomo.