

New member

Alright Im new to this site and let me tell you first of all...."I love it." But would someone please explain this to me....What the hell is a "PJ"?[addsig]


pussy jeep panisy jeep pretty jeep...a jeep that doesnt get dirty[addsig]

Dont I feel like a dumbass! I should have been able to figure that out....thanx though!!![addsig]


A Jeep that does not Romp it! :-D A PJ is more of a driver than a Jeep you see any Jeep can be PJ but no Jeep wants to be a PJ. Tug [addsig]

:lol: Lol me too. :lol: Thats what I thought it ment at first too. :wink: Sully

edited by: Sully, Feb 03, 2003 - 08:33 PM[addsig]


Your an idiot? I always thought everybody was talking about, jeep walking in there pajamas. Now I know, it´s like this fire engine red, pimp mo`bile we got around here, that needs extra horses to hall around all the chrome. Every time I see this sucker, I have fantasies, about where I´d like to stick his chromed air horns. :-D I keep trying to catch him next to a puddle, just so I can baptise him a little.[addsig]

What you need, mudder, is to go out with a few friends. Have them get in front of him and kinda box him in. Then slow him down near a puddle while you fly by! :-D Not that I know anything about boxing in cars :evil:

Todd :cool: [addsig]


Even a Jeep with thousands of dollars worth of mods to make it mudworthy can still be a PJ. Its a condition that can be cured if caught in time. [addsig]

PJ really means pimp jeep....there are many valuable uses for a Jeep and on a college campus a clean, sharp, and modified jeep = getting some loving for the ladies...hence Pimp Jeep...

I got a nice story about the first week I had my jeep up at school if anyone is interested...[addsig]

a real man with integrity is not a pimp. I take "pimp" as an insult when it is directed toward me. but that's just me[addsig]


I think maybe, he was refering to a style, rather than a profession. Personnally I like em fast and ugly. Jeeps that is. :lol: [addsig]

still though, with the "pimp" reference... I believe that anything titled "pimp" is something that is ATTEMPTED to be worked up WAY much more than it really is. I have friends that say their cars are "the pimp shit" because they "pimped them out"... or that someone is a "pimp" because he knows how to disrespect females. I believe that any Jeep made "non-offroad" or "cosmetically enhanced" for the purpose of female attraction, due to measures taken, will catagorize ITSELF with the other acronym meanings of "PJ"[addsig]


Well anyway, I´m gonna have to catch up with this one Jeep I´m thinking of, and take a picture, I´m pretty sure it qualifies as a PJ. Don´t know about the driver, but I´m pretty sure he wears purple pants and a pink shirt. Guess it takes all kinds.
Hey, maybe we could start an album, PJ of the month.

edited by: MudderChuck, Feb 05, 2003 - 11:20 PM[addsig]

Chrome won't get you home but Stainless don't rust and looks pretty dang good to me! I think as long as it goes off road and preforms well, It is ok to dress up and ride to church or to pick up a few ladies for that matter. A good paint job some stainless where the parts hook up go good with a lot of day light under a jeep and some deep lug mud tires. You don't have to be ugly to be a soilder, and you don't have to be pretty to be a PJ. tug[addsig]

snitty....after all that has been posted on this message board you are offended by the word pimp.... :-?

edited by: judge09, Feb 05, 2003 - 08:36 AM[addsig]


Sorry guys, don´t really want to offend anybody. Maybe we could use a code word or a euphemism. Monitarily advantaged product representive, sounds a little long.

edited by: MudderChuck, Feb 05, 2003 - 04:52 PM[addsig]