

Judge- I think Snitty was more referring to the fact that you are tryin to say what PJ stands for. It has no set meaning. It was just a phrase we coined since a lot of the Jeeps we see around our college town are in fact, pretty, never muddy, chromed up Jeeps. The phrase PJ is becoming widely used and that is what was intended, but it has no set meaning. It was made to describe any Jeep that was being stripped of its glory and the only off-road it ever saw was if the owners driveway happened to be dirt. [addsig]

BBJ - I realize what the post was about I was just posting what I think PJ stands for. Snitty's post just seem like he was offended to someone using pimp in a positive way. I was just having some fun with it. I dont think we should send out all negatives about people and jeeps that dont see trail time. Granted they could get away with a Civic but there is also something to be said about style :cool: [addsig]


Ok, point taken, BUT- I think that hundreds or even thousands of dollars invested into 'style' and not usefulness is kinda a waste to me. I do admit that a Jeep that has winches, lights and chrome acces. looks nice, but to me if that isn't used off-road it is a waste. Basically the same lines as someone buying one of the best off-road vehicles in the world, the original Hummer, and puttin 'two-fours' on it along with some more 'blazin bling bling..' and never havin it see a speck of mud. That is view on it- I have no problem with people putting chrome and other fancy stuff on their Jeep, truck, SUV, ov whatever the case may be as long as they are not afraid to get it dirty even if it is only once and a while....[addsig]

I've just always taken offense to the word "pimp"... people used that in reference to me now and then... I didn't like it... I know that some people like it... and if they do... good... that's just another compliment that they can have for themselves. I personally don't want to be referred to as someone who mistreats women... whether its referred to that way or not... I just take it as a bad thing... If someone wants to take "PJ" as a good thing.. power to them... its something they can take for themselves to be "unique"... much like the term "ricer"... I think that any car termed a "ricer" is a bad thing. Though, I know many people that take pride in the term "ricer"... "PJ" was meant as a bash at people who take a jeep, and neglect to use it for what it was intended. as BBJ said... its not really the way it looks, or the capabilities of it... any level of offroad equipment can be in a PJ... a stock 4 banger with chrome and shag carpet and strobes can be a JEEP... and a 10" lifted, double winched, dual lockered, 40" boggered V8 equipped jeep can be a PJ... its all about the lifestyle of the jeep. If I had money... I'd start a PJ redemtion organization. I would buy them, work them nice and tough, and then make sure they get a nice place in the offroad world. [addsig]

:-D PJ redemption organization, I like it, Jeep Rescue. org :-D

edited by: MudderChuck, Feb 06, 2003 - 01:34 AM[addsig]


You can only go so far with a PJ redemption though, I think more focus needs to be put to the drivers. I know of guys who can do some pretty amazing things with a completely stock Jeep and guys who can't do $hit with a modded Jeep. I think if we all focus on getting more people to realize the potential of their Jeep then they will realize what they are missing out on....[addsig]

part of the redemption program would be to find a rightful owner of the neglected machines[addsig]


Brother Snitty Patron Saint of Jeeps
PJ Redemption Organization
History is being made here and we owe all to you Snitty! Thanks form all that love Jeeps! You are the Man! :-D tug lol[addsig]

Haha.. thanks... you're nothing short of a man yourself... together we shall all start a revolution[addsig]