oil pressure issues continue


New member
Hi all, So I have a 2001 Sport 4.0L engine with 124K miles. I bought this used last year. So initially the problem I saw was when I started the car the "check gauges" light would come on, the oil pressure read 0, then after a few seconds, the pressure would rise to 20 and the light would go off.
I figured it was just the oil sensor. I eventually got tired of the warning and just replaced the sensor, the problem persisted. Last week I got a new problem. When I am stopped at a light, the pressure would drop to 0, as soon as I started moving, the pressure would go back to normal. That to me, seemed too mechanical to just be a sensor. Plus at one point, the engine seemed to stall and the made pinging noised, like it was starved for oil. So this weekend I replaced the oil pump and the oil pickup screen. The screen was pretty clogged. I drove the jeep around and it was fine yesterday. Today the problem is back, though it's intermitent. Maybe ever 3rd time I stop, the pressure drops. Any ideas on what to check next. I'm thinking it's time to take this into a mechanic. Though they said it would be a main bearring or an oil passage. Where should I start ?

thanks !

It's very possable that it is the bearings. I had one do the same thing.
Thanks ! I took it in to the dealership they too think bearings. I told them to close it up. I think I'll go order a used jeep shop manual and some plastic-o-gauge.